Russia Launches Ranpur BT-3F Self Propelled Anti-Tank Variant

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Russia Launches Ranpur BT-3F Self Propelled Anti-Tank Variant

Complementing the BMP-3 IFV (Infantry Fighting Vehicle) armored personnel carrier, the Marine Corps should receive reinforcements from the newest BT-3F amphibious APC armored personnel carrier from Russia. 

The number is quite large, namely 79 units which are planned as a replacement for the BTR-50 armored personnel carriers (amphibious armored vehicles) which are getting old. 

However, CAATSA storm blown by Washington has delayed the procurement of this amphibious assault rifle. Even so, the BT-3F continues to be developed for the needs of Russian marine infantry (marines).

And recently there was news that the BT-3F was developed in a self-propelled anti-tank variant, that is, equipped with the battle-proven Kornet-E anti-tank missile. These ranpur photos were released on 11 August 2023 by Russian media. The photo shows the BT-3F equipped with the Kornet-E anti-tank missile system consisting of two launchers plus anti-RPG attack protection.

The BT-3F is a multipurpose amphibious APC designed for the needs of Russia and Indonesia. The standard variant is equipped with a 7.62 mm RCWS machine gun. However, the anti-tank self-propelled variant does not appear to be equipped with this weapon, but instead is replaced by the Kornet-E launcher.


Kornet-E is planned to destroy modern tanks equipped with dynamic protection, light armored vehicles, enemy stronghold bases, to low-speed aerial targets (helicopters and drones). And of course, this new missile can be used all day long, in extreme weather conditions and in conditions of electronic and optical interference from opponents.

The technical characteristics of the Kornet-E are that it has a minimum firing range of 150 meters and a maximum firing range of 10,000 meters. Meanwhile, the penetration power of this missile can penetrate layers of armor with a thickness of 1,100 – 1,300 mm. As a controller, Kornet-E relies on an automated system via a laser beam.

Kornet-E offers a 152 mm tandem warhead, which allows it to penetrate enemy armor effectively, even destroying Explosive Reactive Armor (ERA). With an estimated penetration capability of 1,000 to 1,200 mm Rolled Homogeneous Armor (RHA) after ERA, and ability to penetrate concrete up to 3 to 3.5 meters.

The Kornet-E can travel over 250 meters per second. At 29 kg, including the case, the Kornet-E is relatively light given its high-performance capabilities. Its dimensions include a body diameter of 160 mm and a fin width of 460 mm.


In terms of design, there are clear similarities between the BMP-3F and BT-3F, except that on the BT-3F the position of the gun turret is replaced as a compartment for 14 troops. Meanwhile, the driver configuration is the same as the BMP-3F, which is in the middle. Like the BMP-3F, on the right and left of the driver there are two seats with two hatches for the backup crew.

The BT-3F is powered by a diesel engine similar to that used by the BMP-3F, namely the UTD-29M 4 stroke with a capacity of 500 hp. With a semi-matic transmission system, there are four forward acceleration and two reverse acceleration. 

The BT-3F's range is still the same as the BMP-3F, approximately 600 kilometers. The speed of the BT-3F on smooth roads reaches 70 km per hour, and its swimming ability is still standard at 10 km per hour.

Regarding swimming ability, BT-3F is supported by a pair of hydrojet (waterjet), BT-3F can penetrate ocean waves up to sea state category 3. With a maximum fuel capacity (350 liters), BMP-3F can sail for seven hours non-stop.

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