Four Australian Companies Are Involved In The Production Of AH-64E Apache Guardian Components

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Four Australian Companies Are Involved In The Production Of AH-64E Apache Guardian Components

Not wanting to be left behind from India and South Korea which enjoy the benefits of Transfer of Technology (ToT) from the procurement of AH-64 Apache attack helicopters, Australia has also prepared the involvement of its domestic industry in relation to the purchase of 29 units of AH-64E Apache Guardian.

Australian Defense Industry Minister Pat Conroy said at the Avalon AirShow 2023 that all of Australia's new Apache helicopters would use locally produced components. Quoted from (1/3/2023), the AH-64E Apache procurement deal will generate jobs for Australian industry and is expected to generate millions of dollars for local defense industry companies.

The announcement is a step forward in the AH-64 supply chain and engagement with the Australian aviation industry, which has been producing components for the F-35 Lightning II stealth fighter jet.

Apache AH-64E outside the hangar in Wattisham Flying Station. Creidt: Norbert Neumann
Specifically, Australian company Thomas Global Systems will design and manufacture the cockpit avionics for its AH-64E Apache attack helicopter fleet, and another Australian company, Cablex will manufacture cables for all Australian Apaches on order.

There are at least four Australian companies involved in the production of the AH-64E Apache components, namely Cablex, Ferra, Axiom Precision Manufacturing and Mincham, which will supply the wiring harness, electrical panels, vertical spar box, engine parts, fairings and composite materials. other.

In January 2021, the Australian Department of Defense confirmed its decision to select the Boeing AH-64E Apache Guardian as a replacement for the Airbus Tiger ARH attack helicopter. 

Although the tender winner in Project LAND 4503 has been announced, at that time there was no approval for the purchase and sale from the United States Department of State through the US Defense Security Cooperation Administration (DSCA).

The sale of the AH-64E Apache was approved at a value of US$3.5 billion, where the sales transaction will use a scheme through Foreign Military Sale (FMS).

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