Sukhoi Design Bureau Designs Bionic Components For Su-57 Landing Gear

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Sukhoi Design Bureau Designs Bionic Components For Su-57 Landing Gear

The Sukhoi Design Bureau, the design bureau behind the design of the Su-57 Felon stealth fighter jet, recently introduced the first aircraft component with a bionic design, specifically the landing gear component – the aluminum landing gear for the Su-57. 

The technology is claimed to reduce landing gear weight by 30-50 percent and production costs.

Quoted from (14/2/2023), the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) which houses the Sukhoi Design Bureau said, “The first unit of the bionic design is an aluminum carrier (landing gear) for the Su-57. This is a completely domestic design, designed with the support of a super computer.

The Pan-Russian Institute for Aviation Materials Research (VNIAM) is said to have used domestic aluminum powder to 3D print the unit. 

With a bionic design, the Su-57's landing gear will be 1/4 lighter than the weight of the landing gear currently used. Bionic landing gear can be produced overnight, while production of older landing gear takes at least a week.

Generative design of bionic landing gear can reduce weight and increase durability. This is often called a bionic design, because the object has clear 'bones' features. Geometry is generated by special software. The bionic design saves 30 – 50 percent of materials so it can lower production costs.

Meanwhile, notes that Sukhoi is touting the components as fully domestic, as Russia has suffered from a shortage of high-tech components since Western sanctions were imposed last year following the invasion of Ukraine.

The Su-57 is a twin-engine multirole stealth fighter designed in the 1970s. Development was halted due to the fall of the Soviet Union, but an upgraded version slowly started making its way into Russian service.

In 2020, the Russian Ministry of Defense said that the Felon had entered its fleet with the delivery of the first production aircraft to the Southern Military District's aviation regiment. The Ministry of Defense plans to prepare a Su-57 regiment consisting of 24 aircraft by 2025.

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