Yinmahu 834 – Second Semi Submersible Transport Ship in China's Naval Arsenal

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Yinmahu 834 – Second Semi Submersible Transport Ship in China's Naval Arsenal

Despite having a unique design and large size, semi submersible transport ships are not a new item in the arsenal of transport units. However, it became interesting when China, which has big ambitions over territory in the South China Sea and offensive plans against Taiwan, showed off its newest semi-submersible transport ship, namely Yinmahu with hull number 834.

The main function of this giant-sized ship is to transport warships that need repair or maintenance and ships that cannot move due to damage to be brought to shipyard facilities for repair. By using a semi-submersible vessel, you can save a lot of time and money.

Of course, those transported by semi submersible transport ships are not only damaged ships or ships that need repair. In principle, similar to a tank transporter, this ship is also used to shift special types of warships so that they can approach the area of operation.

As shown recently, where Yinmahu appeared in a sailing trial carrying a giant Zubr Class hovercraft. In the trial phase, Yinmahu has traveled a total of 1,000 nautical miles to several undisclosed locations.

The Yinmahu is not the first semi-submersible transport ship operated by the Chinese Navy. Previously there was Donghaidao with hull number 868 which was launched in 2015, and officially entered service on July 10, 2015 through a ceremony at the Zhanjiang Naval Base.

Donghaidao was later assigned to the South Seas Fleet and its ability to carry a Zubr Class hovercraft significantly increased its amphibious capability in the South China Sea. That on paper could increase the hovercraft's range by 300 miles.

In limited information, local Chinese media said Yinmahu has a length of 175 meters and a width of 32 meters. Chinese state television (CCTV) said the 100,000-ton warship could be lifted in the Yinmahu dry dock. 

For loading and unloading of ship cargo on the dock or deck, a ship model like the Yinmahu will 'submerge' itself a little, which is intended so that the ship it carries can maneuver in and out of the semi-submersible transport ship.

The US Navy also operates semi-submersible type ships, which are ships capable of carrying warships on its deck, one of which is the MV Blue Marlin which is leased from a private company in Norway. This type of ship can be used to transport large ships such as corvettes, frigates to destroyers.

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