Spanish Navy Converts Airbus A400 Into Maritime Reconnaissance Aircraft

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Spanish Navy Converts Airbus A400 Into Maritime Reconnaissance Aircraft

The Lockheed Martin C-130J Super Hercules was once offered in a maritime reconnaissance variant, namely the SC-130J Sea Hercules. With the ability to fly long distances, high endurance, and large payload, there is an opportunity to turn the C-130J into a maritime reconnaissance aircraft that has the ability to release weapons in the form of anti-ship missiles and torpedoes. 

Well, it seems that the Airbus A400M Atlas heavy transport aircraft is also being prepared for its capabilities like the Sea Hercules.

Quoted from (28/12/2022), it was stated that the Spanish Navy was preparing to receive its first Airbus A400MP Cormorant. The Matador State Navy will equip the Naval Air Patrol unit with the A400MP, which is planned for delivery in 2024.

The same source said the A400MP will be operated by the 4th Fleet Reconnaissance Aircraft Squadron (FLOAN) located at Rota Naval Air Base in Cadiz. The choice of placement in the 4th Squadron is suspected because this unit does indeed operate a fleet of fixed wing aircraft for multimission.

The agreement to procure the A400MP for the Spanish Navy was made possible thanks to the buyback of 4 of the 13 A400M orders that were delayed.

According to the manufacturer, the A400M is the ideal aircraft for maritime patrol duties. In fact, this four-turboprop engine has the ability to exceed the Boeing P-8A Poseidon.

Although there are not many details about the procurement of the A400MP, it is likely that orders for this variant will be added in the future, especially with the increasing presence of Chinese and Russian submarines in the Atlantic and Mediterranean.

With a production base in Seville, Spain, Airbus Defense and Space (ADS) as a manufacturer will find it easier to develop and modify maritime reconnaissance variants. Reportedly, several defense vendors from Spain, such as Indra, Sainsel, Aernnnova and Aciturri, will also participate in the development of the A400MP.

A photo posted by shows an A400MP prototype equipped with a dummy Harpoon anti-ship missile, maritime reconnaissance radar and magnetic anomaly detector (MAD) to detect the presence of submarines.

The Airbus A400M is actually a Future International Military Airlifter project initiated by Aerospatiale, British Aerospace, Lockheed and Messerschmitt Bolkow Blohm, to replace the C-130 Hercules and C-160 Transall.

This aircraft is believed to be able to attract customers who find it difficult to buy a C-17 but feel burdened when they have to choose a C-130.

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