Cockerill I-X 4×4 – Futuristic 'Interceptor' Ranpur With Hybrid Power

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Cockerill I-X 4×4 – Futuristic 'Interceptor' Ranpur With Hybrid Power

John Cockerill Defense from Belgium, whose name is identical as a manufacturer of cannons and cannons along with their turrets for various types of ranpur. However, recently John Cockerill has been trying to develop innovation by releasing not only the canon system, but also vehicles that are integrated through the Cockerill i-X product.

The Cockerill i-X was introduced in March 2022 at the WDS (World Defense Show) International Defense Show held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Cockerill i-X – “i” means “interceptor” and “X” means “modular-multi weapons system” – is a new generation of 4×4 light fast attack vehicle.

This lightweight Ranpur is capable of traveling at very high speeds on and off-road (with a thermal drive train or electric thermal hybrid), lightweight, stealthy by integrating multi-sensor data fusion technology (smart helmet, on-board intelligence AI, camera , sensors: LWS, Acoustic Fire detection and localization) and is capable of integrating a range of effective weapons, such as 25mm, 30mm caliber guns, anti-tank missiles and rocket launchers, which are operated remotely.

Using a 25 mm automatic cannon, 120 ready-to-shoot ammunition can be loaded inside the turret. In an anti-tank configuration, the turret can be armed with 2 or 4 anti-tank missiles, or 7 launcher tubes for RPG (Rocket Propelled Grenades). The turret weighs only 650 kg, with an additional 60 kg for ammunition.

The dome can rotate 360° with barrel elevation from -10° to +60°. The dome is equipped with a 360° two-axis stabilized electro-optical sighting system including television, IR (Infra-Red), and a laser range finder which allows both crew members to detect targets at a distance of up to 16.8 km, and detection via a thermal imager has a range of detection 13.5 km.

The Cockerill i-X is designed in a low profile design for a crew of two consisting of one driver and one commander/gunner. Ranpur hull is made of carbon fiber composite materials manufactured by John Cockerill.

Vehicle ballistic protection can reach Level 2 STANAG 4569 against 7.62 mm API (Armor Piercing Incendiary) small arms fire, while Level 3 mine protection can withstand an explosion of 8 kg of TNT under the wheels and floor of the vehicle.

The Cockerill i-X chassis is based on an undisclosed US rally car manufacturer's design, developed specifically for Dakkar racing. The hydropneumatic chassis suspension has been modified by John Cockerill to enhance high-speed all-terrain mobility. It can also be equipped with a controlled height mechanism.

The Cockerill i-X can be powered by a thermal engine producing 750 hp or a hybrid thermal electric engine with 800 hp. The Cockerill i-X can reach a maximum highway speed of 200 km per hour and 160 km per hour in desert conditions with a maximum cruising range of 600 km.

With the thermal engine, the i-X can reach a speed of 100 km per hour in less than 6 seconds and has a braking distance of 40 meters at a speed of 100 km per hour. In fully electric mode, range is limited to 30 km but provides a tactical advantage with thermal and acoustic signature reduction.

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