Winter Constraints Allegedly Cause Drone Kamikaze Shahed-136 'Stop' Action in Ukraine

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Winter Constraints Allegedly Cause Drone Kamikaze Shahed-136 'Stop' Action in Ukraine

Despite being hit by winter with limited electricity supplies, since November 17, Ukrainians have been able to breathe a little easier, because since then the presence of the Kamikaze drone Shahed-136 (Geran-2) launched by Russia has not been detected. What is it?

The "disappearance" of Shahed-136, which often launches attacks in swarming formations, was stated by Yevgeny Silkin, spokesman for the Joint Forces Command for Strategic Communications of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. 

As quoted by (5/12/2022), Silkin believes that the cessation of Russian kamikaze drone attacks is related to the season, where the current winter in Ukraine (as well as in Russia) is not ideal for drone operations.

Silkin further said that kamikaze drones like the Iranian-made Shahed-136 were not designed to operate in cold temperatures with temperatures below freezing. 

"I believe the decline in drone attacks is weather related, the kamikaze drones launched by Russia are made of plastic and materials that are very sensitive to freezing temperatures and extreme weather," said Silkin.

Due to being battered by kamikaze drones that attack massively on important installations, Ukraine and NATO countries have paid great attention to the provision of anti-drone systems. Apart from relying on jamming technology, the Government of Ukraine also involves the role of civilians to detect the presence of kamikaze drones through applications on smartphones.

The Ministry of Strategic Communications of Ukraine has launched “ePPO”, an application on mobile phones that will assist air defense forces in supplementing radar data about air targets, i.e. to increase their chances of shooting down enemy missiles or drones.

The ePPO app works easily. Once someone sees an aerial target such as a kamikaze drone or cruise missile, all they have to do is open the app, select the type of aerial target, point the smartphone at the target and press the big red button that appears on the screen. 

After that, the markings on the map will be noticed by air defense personnel, who will use them to complement radar data and shoot down air targets with missiles or airborne guns.

The Shahed-136 is produced by Shahed Aviation Industries, a company with long experience in drone development. The triangular shaped Shahed-136 is estimated to have a range of around 2,000 kilometers. This makes it capable of hitting precise targets from long distances.

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