The Armed Forces of the Philippines Officially Displays the Sabrah Light Tank

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The Armed Forces of the Philippines Officially Displays the Sabrah Light Tank

Attended by President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr., the 87th Anniversary of the Armed Forces of the Philippines at Camp Aguinaldo, Quezon City, on December 19 2022 was enlivened by a demonstration of a number of new defense equipment. 

And one that caught the eye was the first 'official' appearance of the Sabrah light tank ordered from Israel's Elbit Systems Land for the Philippine Army. Painted dark green, the first batch of Sabrah is currently in a series of trials prior to final acceptance to operators.

Overall, the Armed Forces of the Philippines Army Armor Division will receive 20 Sabrah tanks, and 10 Pandur II 8x8 tanks in a contract worth 160 million euros. 

Quoted from the Philippine News Agency – (20/12/2022), the Philippine Army said that the rest of the Sabrah tank order would arrive in early 2023. Later, the Sabrah tank fleet will be placed in the 1st Tank Battalion.

Sabrah carries the ASCOD 2 platform, known as a joint design between Austria and Spain, produced by General Dynamics European Land Systems. The Sabrah is one of the light tanks of the modern generation available on the military market today. 

The design of the Sabrah was completely designed by Elbit Systems based on the tracked ASCOD AFV (Armored Fighting Vehicle) platform, manufactured by General Dynamics European Land Systems (GDELS).

Weighing 30 tonnes, the Sabrah has a modular design. The Sabrah is armed with a combination of a 105mm Elbit Systems Land gun and a coaxial 7.62mm machine gun. In addition, the armament includes eight 76 mm smoke grenade launchers and two anti-tank missiles (optional).

The guns at the Sabrah can fire at a rate of six rounds per minute with an effective range of 3,600 meters. Ammunition on the Sabrah tank is loaded using an autoloader with manual reserve loading. In one go, the Sabrah tank has 12 rounds of ready-to-use ammunition located in the autoloader drum and an additional 24 rounds of ammunition stored in the tank hull.

Meanwhile, the 7.62 mm coaxial machine gun is equipped with 500 bullets ready to fire and 1,500 bullets stored in the tank's hull.

The Sabrah is equipped with a ballistic protection system up to STANAG 4569 Level 4 NATO. The Ranpur can also be integrated with active protection systems, including the TORCH-X battle management system support.

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