Nebo-SVU – Russian Reconnaissance Radar With AESA Technology, Able to Detect US Stealth Fighters

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Nebo-SVU – Russian Reconnaissance Radar With AESA Technology, Able to Detect US Stealth Fighters

Of the many types of reconnaissance radar with anti-stealth capabilities operated by Russia, there is something interesting about the Nebo-SVU (also called 1L119). This multi-function radar with a large antenna produced by Almaz-Antey Corporation is the first radar with an active electronically scanned array (AESA) operating in metric wavelengths at very high frequency (VHF). 

Nebo-SVU is also claimed to be able to detect stealth fighter jets F-22 Raptor, F-35 Lightning II and B-2 Spirit bombers.

The Nebo-SVU shown in a mockup during the Army 2022 defense exhibition in Moscow, is known as a replacement for the Nebo-SV radar, which the Nebo-SVU was introduced in 2001 and is currently the mainstay of the radar system in the 45th Air and Air Defense Forces Army – part of Russian North Sea Fleet.

This VHF radar system has a wavelength proportional to the size of the aircraft and exhibits scattering in the resonant region rather than the optical region, which allows most stealth aircraft to be detected. The Nebo-SVU is said to be able to locate aircraft or other flying objects with a radar cross-section of 0.1 m2 at 100 km.

Previously, in the era of the Soviet Union, VHF radars with counter-stealth capabilities such as the P-12 and P-18 radars had been developed. The demand for stealth aircraft detection capabilities prompted the Nizhny Novgorod Research Institute of Radio Engineering (NNIIRT) to develop VHF and AESA on the Nebo-SVU with a digital signal processor capable of supporting target targeting for S-300 or S-400 missile systems.

Despite the advantages offered by VHF radars in detecting stealth aircraft, their longer wavelengths result in lower resolution when compared to the size of X-band radar arrays.

The Nebo-SVU is a solid state phased array with electronic beam steering in azimuth and elevation, is more accurate than the Nebo SV with significantly better mobility and incorporates various improvements.

The Nebo-SVU radar system consists of an antenna-hardware post (AAP) mounted on a ChMZAP 9907.2 semi-trailer truck and an ED 2×30-T400-1RA1M4 diesel power generation vehicle on a Ural truck chassis or ED 2×30-T400-1RA1M5 on the KamAZ truck chassis.

In terms of capabilities, the detection range of the Nebo-SVU radar reaches 380 km, while the detection height in search mode is 100 km and tracking mode is 180 km. Apart from being used by Russia, Nebo-SVU has reportedly also been used by Algeria.

In the Russian military operation in Ukraine, the Nebo-SVU was also deployed, this radar is said to detect an average of 30 air targets over Ukraine every day. The Nebo-SVU is used by the radio engineering unit of the Russian Central Military District. The unit that managed to detect among others the rocket from the HIMARS salvo fire system.

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