KAB-1500Kr – Russia's Flagship 1.5 tonne Electro-Guided Smart Bomb

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KAB-1500Kr – Russia's Flagship 1.5 tonne Electro-Guided Smart Bomb

Apart from the level of precision on target, another thing that is frightening about smart bombs is the warhead they carry. Particularly in operations in Ukraine, smart bombs are also used by Russia to target selected targets. 

Now, of the various types of smart bombs launched from fighter jets and fighter bombers, some are in the ultimate category, for example the smart bomb which is said to have the heaviest weight, namely the KAB-1500 series which weighs up to 1.5 tons.

In a video recorded by Russian TV on May 13, 2022, Russia's Sukhoi Su-34 fighter-bomber is shown being loaded with a KAB-1500LG laser-guided bomb for the first time, preparing to attack Ukrainian ground targets. 

The 1.5-tonne bomb is equipped with a laser-guided seeker. In addition to the laser-guided variant, the 1.5 ton smart bomb series is also presented with an electro-optical (EO) guidance system, namely the KAB-1500Kr-Pr.

With electro-optical guidance, the KAB-1500Kr can engage targets with a "drop-and-forget" system. Participating in the exhibition of the JSC Tactical Missiles Corporation at the Army 2022 defense exhibition near Moscow, the KAB-1500Kr, which is one of Russia's 'heaviest' smart bombs, is equipped with a penetrator warhead, which is claimed to be optimal for attacking small targets that are maximally protected, or targets that are in a concrete bunker.

KAB-1500Kr-Pr “drop and forget” guided bomb with electro-optical correlation (EO) seeker and penetrator warhead refers to precision-guided weapons and is designed to engage small hardened and buried targets as reinforced. concrete shelters and command post. 

Rosoboronexport, Russia's arms export sales agency, said that the KAB-1500Kr-Pr is part of a weapon system for the Russian front line, dominantly installed on the Sukhoi Su-34 and Su-30 series.

From the specifications, KAB-1500Kr-Pr has a weight of 1525 kg, where the composition consists of a warhead weight of 1170 kg and a weight of 440 kg high explosives. This Gambot smart bomb can be launched from a minimum altitude of 1,000 meters and a maximum of 8,000 meters. 

Once launched, this bomb can travel at speeds in the range of 550 – 1100 km per hour. JSC Tactical Missiles Corporation says the accuracy of this bomb is in the range of 4-7 meters.

For the detonation mechanism, there are three trigger options, either with impact or three delay options during detonation. The smart bomb with a penetrator warhead is 4.63 meters long, 0.58 meters in diameter and 1.3 meters wide with open fins.

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