Even Though They have NASAMS, Norwegian MANPADS Buy Missiles from Poland

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Even Though They have NASAMS, Norwegian MANPADS Buy Missiles from Poland

Norway, with its Kongsberg manufacturer, is known as a provider of the NASAMS (National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile System) anti-aircraft missile system, which is a medium-range missile-based anti-aircraft missile system which is now also being operated by Indonesia. 

Even though it has a 'name' as a manufacturer of anti-aircraft missile systems, however, Norway still has to import anti-aircraft missile systems, to be precise short-range anti-aircraft missiles on the MANPADS (Man Portable Air Defense Systems) platform.

From the page Bulgarianmilitary.com, it is stated that the Norwegian Army will soon be armed with Polish-made MANPADS Piorun missiles. The procurement contract between the Norwegian Ministry of Defense and Polish manufacturer Mesko S.A. signed on November 29, 2022 in the Norwegian capital, Oslo.

Norway is said to have purchased hundreds of Piorun missiles, whose prestige rose to fame after it was claimed that Ukraine had shot down a Sukhoi Su-35 fighter jet. Mesko S.A has so far provided no details on the deal. They only mentioned that Norway bought hundreds of Piorun missile systems for several million euros.

Norway is not the first country (other than Poland) to acquire these Polish MANPADS, previously the United States and Estonia have also purchased Piorun. Mesko S.A stated that Piorun won an open tender from the Government of Norway.

Piorun (meaning “lightning” in Polish) is a portable air defense system designed to destroy low-flying aerial vehicles at high speeds. In terms of modernization, Piorun is none other than the development of the MANPADS Grom-M missile.

From the specifications, the Piorun launcher system has a total weight of 16.5 kg, of which 10.5 kg is the weight of the missile. The warhead itself weighs 1.82 kg with a proximity detonation mechanism.

The Piorun missile is powered by a solid fuel rocket. The launch speed of this missile is 660 meters per second and has an effective firing range of 6.5 km and a launch altitude of 4 km. As a heat-hunting missile, Piorun relies on infrared guidance. Piorun has been used since 2019.

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