China Exhibits TB001 'Bomber Drone' – One Fly Can Carry 12 Missiles

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China Exhibits TB001 'Bomber Drone' – One Fly Can Carry 12 Missiles

Flashback to January 2020, when we announced the presence of an unusual drone prototype made in China, apart from being large in size, this drone from the Tengden TB001 base comes with three turboprop engines, making the payload and range of this drone the foremost in the MALE (Medium) drone class. Altitude Long Endurance).

And recently, Tengden TB001 has returned with photos that have caused a stir. The reason is, TB001 was flown with so many weapons, which shows that TB001 deserves to be called a "Bomber Drone."

The payload carried by TB001 includes ammunition in the form of missiles and aerial bombs. Photos of the drone, shared through several social media accounts and Twitter, show the TB001 carrying 12 missiles – five anti-tank missiles on each wing and two air-to-surface missiles in the launchers on the underside of the fusegale.

TB001, known as the “Twin Tailed Scorpion” or “Twin Tailed Scorpion,” was developed by Sichuan-based Tengoen Technology. This combatant drone has a range of around 6,000-8,000 kilometers and a maximum flight endurance of 35 hours.

TB001 has a maximum take-off weight (MTOW) of over 3,000 kg and an altitude of 9,000 meters. The TB001 is characterized by an unusually positioned triple propeller configuration, with one on each wing and the other being a pusher at the end of the fuselage.

This design joins the top of the two vertical tails to create a flat tail by extending the two tail support sections backwards on the wings, each joining a vertical tail. Flat tail, vertical tail and tail support together form the structure.

With an electro-optical tracking system (EOTS) directly in front of the ventral missile launcher, the drone can be useful in engaging high concentrations of ground targets. .

The TB001 drone can fire a 20 kg AR-2 air-to-ground missile to destroy light vehicles, enemy personnel on the ground and other targets. To destroy heavily armored targets and fortifications, Chinese developers have also introduced an 80 kg AR-4 air-to-ground missile. 

The AR-4 has a range of up to 20 kilometers and can be launched from an altitude of 7000 meters, which is far superior to the US Hellfire air-to-ground missile.

Tengden TB001 is 10 meters long, has a wingspan of 20 meters and is 3.3 meters high. This drone with a twin-boom airframe design was first shown at the China AirShow 2018.

The Chengdu Daily said that this drone has an ascent speed of 10 meters per second, and flies at a speed of more than 300 km per hour. The media also added that this drone is adaptable and can be used at airfields in highland areas.

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