Xian KJ-600 Shown In High Resolution Photo, Proof Of Similarity To E-2 Hawkeye

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Xian KJ-600 Shown In High Resolution Photo, Proof Of Similarity To E-2 Hawkeye
Xian KJ-600

Almost simultaneously with the emergence of high-resolution photos of the Shenyang J-35 stealth fighter jet, and a month after the launch of the Type 003 aircraft carrier Fujian, global netizens were again presented with a photo display showing the front of the Xian KJ Airborne Early Warning and Control (AEW&C) reconnaissance aircraft. -600.

The Twitter account @louischeung_hk even shared a short video showing a recent sighting of the KJ-600 and noted that three of the prototypes had been spotted without the aerial data probe used for flight testing which can be seen in the latest photo. 

In terms of the role it will play, the KJ-600 appears to be being prepared by the Chinese Navy to operate with the catapults – the advanced electromagnetic launch system (EMALS) of the aircraft carrier Fujian, to be exact, the KJ-600 will be tasked with extending the carrier's radar range.

Xian Aircraft Industrial Corporation has prepared around four prototypes of the Xian KJ-600 as AEW&C aircraft which are design identical to the Grumman E-2 Hawkeye. From several literacies, it is stated that the KJ-600 weighs between 25-30 tons and is powered by a FWJ-6C twin-engine turboprop engine.

The KJ-600 is suspected of adopting an active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar, where the developer claims that the radar can detect the presence of the F-22 Raptor and F-35 Lightning II stealth fighter jets.

E-2 Hawkeye
E-2 Hawkeye

The KJ-600 is manned by 5-6 personnel, including the captain and co-pilot as well as operations radar and combat control system officers. In the context of combat management and communications, the KJ-600 can guide multiple fighter aircraft for interception missions and platform consolidation to support long-range missile aiming. One type of missile that will be combined with the KJ-600 is the surface-based missile JY-26.

When the KJ-600 is fully operational, it can directly increase the ability of aircraft carrier formations to detect, warn, and guide aircraft from a distance, but also theoretically can guide formations of surface warships such as frigates and destroyers.

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