Viewed from the side, the KF-21 Boramae is similar to the Chinese FC-31 Gyrfalcon Stealth Fighter Jet

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Viewed from the side, the KF-21 Boramae is similar to the Chinese FC-31 Gyrfalcon Stealth Fighter Jet

Like a newborn baby, the prototype of the KF-21 Boramae fighter jet which has just flown for the first time has captured the world's attention. Previously, the KF-21 design was said to be the result of a combination of the F-33 Raptor and the F-35 Lightning II, so during maiden flights, especially during the KF-21 take-off, when viewed from the side, not a few netizens saw the similarity of the KF-21 Boramae with Chinese stealth fighter jet prototype, FC-31 Gyrfalcon.

The similarity of the KF-21 and FC-31 at a glance can be seen in the design of the nose, cockpit and tail wing which both adopt the canted vertical stabilizers model. Shenyang Aircraft Corporation (SAC), which built the FC-31, calls the FC-31 concept a match for the F-35 Lightning II stealth fighter.

Officially, this stealth fighter jet has the Shenyang J-31 label, the code F-31 is none other than the export version of the J-31. This fighter jet is designed and manufactured by Shenyang Aircraft Corporation. By the manufacturer the J-31 was lined up as the Fifth Generation Multi-Purpose Medium Fighter. In the world of defense equipment lovers, the J-31 or FC-31 is better known as the "Gyrfalcon" or "Falcon Hawk."

The new J-31 was officially unveiled at the 2014 Zhuhai Airshow, and the FC-31 was offered by China to countries that could not afford an F-35-class fighter jet. As a runway, the J-31 is supported by two Russian-made RD-93 engines. Recently, China has also supplied an engine equivalent to the RD-93, namely the Guizhou WS-13 which is none other than a copy of the RD-93.

The unique J-31 or FC-31 is not equipped with an internal canon. Even so, the FC-31's stock of weapons is quite capable of vibrating the opponent. With weapons storage in the weapon bay, the FC-31 can carry a payload with an armament configuration of up to 8 tons. 

Chinese FC-31 Gyrfalcon Stealth Fighter Jet

In its air-to-air combat configuration, the FC-31 can carry 10 missiles with a combination of 4 SD-10A medium-range air-to-air missiles, and 6 PL-9 short-range air-to-air missiles that can be carried at 6 hardpoints outside the internal weapon bay.

Well, even though the designs of the KF-21 and FC-31 are like betel nut, however, the nature of the KF-21 is not a stealth fighter jet, therefore there is no weapon bay on this fighter jet designed by South Korea and Indonesia collaboration.

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