Russia Develops Zevik - Anti-Ship Hypersonic Ballistic Missile 'Supercarrier Killer'

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Russia Develops Zevik - Anti-Ship Hypersonic Ballistic Missile 'Supercarrier Killer'

Russia seems to want to adopt China's strategy in dealing with US nuclear aircraft carriers. As is known, since several years ago, China has been operating hypersonic anti-ship ballistic missile (AShBM) Dong Feng DF-21D Stonefish. 

The missile is indeed prepared to crush super strategic targets, in this case the US aircraft carrier, with a fantastic speed of Mach 10.

Quoted from (13/7/2022), it is stated that Russia is developing the "Zmeevik" anti-ship ballistic missile. Russian news agency - Tass, said that the Zmeevik is a super carrier killer that can fly at hypersonic speeds. 

“The Zmeevik ballistic missile with hypersonic capability has been in development for quite some time. It is designed to destroy large surface targets, especially aircraft carriers."

One of the sources adds that in terms of characteristics, the Zmeevik resembles Chinese missiles of the same class — DF-21D and DF-26 with a range of up to 4,000 km. NPO Mashinostroenia di Reutov, which designed the Tsirkon and Avangard hypersonic anti-ship missiles, has so far declined to comment.

For Russia, it is not too difficult to realize hypersonic anti-ship ballistic missiles, because there is already a track record in the development of Tsirkon (anti-ship cruise missiles) and Avangard (ballistic missiles). 

If Zmeevik refers to the DF-21D Stonefish, then this missile will be powered by solid fuelled power. The DF-21D with a firing range of 1,770 km has only been able to hit targets in the western Pacific. But again analysts believe the range of missiles will increase in the future, namely to the central Pacific region.

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