Rosoboronexport Exports Mi-171E Helicopters To A Country, Including 100 Units In The Near Future

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Rosoboronexport Exports Mi-171E Helicopters To A Country, Including 100 Units In The Near Future

Although it did not reveal the identity of the buyer country, Rosoboronexport and Russian Helicopters (a subsidiary of Rostec State Corporation) were reported to have signed a contract to manufacture and supply a number of upgraded Mi-171E transport helicopters to foreign customers. It is generally said that the Mi-171E has received upgrades for the runway, improvements to the avionics system, and load-carrying capacity.

Quoted from a press release received by (18/7/2022), the contract provides for export delivery of the latest upgraded Mi-171E helicopter manufactured by the Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant, (part of the Russian Helicopters Holding Company).

The upgraded Mi-171E helicopter has an improved power supply from two VK-2500PS-03 type engines. The engine capability offers higher power and longer life and is equipped with a FADEC (Full Authority Digital Engine Control) digital control system.

“The rotor system has undergone major upgrades, which include a composite main rotor blade, an X-shaped tail rotor with composite blades, new swash plates and a reinforced transmission. The helicopter features a more aerodynamically efficient stabilizer, an improved tail rotor mast and it is now possible to install right and side sliding doors. Maximum external sling payload has been increased by 20 percent to 5,000 kg. The state-of-the-art avionics suite provides round-the-clock helicopter operation in all weathers,” said Alexey Kozlov, General Director of the Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant.

“Our production is distinguished by unique design solutions, proven effectiveness and high reliability. With such a range of qualities, Russian helicopters are in demand in the global market, and demand remains high even in the current geopolitical situation. Rosoboronexport's order book for Russian Helicopters products now exceeds 200 billion rubles and will grow in the coming years," said Rostec CEO Sergey Chemezov.

He added that Mi-17 helicopters were successfully used in high-altitude conditions in Latin American countries, in particular, in operations against drug trafficking. There is experience of its use in the cold Arctic conditions of Argentina, and in the tropical climates of the Asia-Pacific region and in African countries.

“By 2022, export sales of Russian helicopters through Rosoboronexport have exceeded 30 billion rubles. Most of the helicopters exported are manufactured at the Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant whose share in Rosoboronexport's current order book is more than 80 billion rubles,” said Alexander Mikheev, Rosoboronexport General Director. 

He claims to have full support from the government, with stable acceptance from foreign customers, as well as modern production facilities, so in the near future Russia plans to export more than 100 helicopters, including Mi-171Sh and Mi-171E helicopters.

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