Exocet MM40 Block 3 Anti-Ship Missile Launcher Has Been Installed In KCR KRI Halasan 630

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Exocet MM40 Block 3 Anti-Ship Missile Launcher Has Been Installed In KCR KRI Halasan 630

Slowly but surely, modernization continues to be carried out by the Navy. Whereas previously some KCRs (Fast Missile Ships) were seen fitted with a 'temporary' 40 mm Bofors gun in the bow, now some have been replaced with modern Bofors 57 MK3 or AU-220M 57 mm automatic cannons. 

Likewise with anti-ship missiles, if previously there were installed Chinese-made C-705 anti-ship missile launchers, now it appears that they have been fitted with French MBDA Exocet MM40 Block 3 anti-ship missile launchers.

As recently shown by KCR Halasan 630, in addition to having Bofors 57 MK3 installed on the bow and 2 20 mm caliber PSU cannons plus CMS Terma, from the video posted on Instagram KRI Halasan 630, it is reported that in the third week of July 2022, installation has begun. Exocet MM40 Block 3 launcher. Exocet MM40 Block 3 launcher on KRI Halasan 630 is prepared in a 2×2 tubes model.

With a total of four launcher tubes, the composition of the number of Exocet MM40 on KRI Halasan 630 is equivalent to that of the Diponegoro Class corvette. The Exocet MM40 Block 3 is launched from the ITL-70A launcher used for the Exocet MM40 Block 2.

Despite having the same dimensions and weight as the Exocet MM40 Block 2, the Exocet MM40 Block 3 has better performance. Call it from the range, if Block 2 can only target OTH (over the horizon) targets as far as 120 km, then in Block 3 the range is increased to 180 - 200 km.

The increase in performance is due to the adoption of a booster from the Turbomeca TR-40/263 turbojet made by NAMMO with a rocket booster, while the MM40 Block 2 still uses a solid propellant with a rocket booster. Even so, in terms of speed, MM40 Block 3 is still the same as Block 2, which is at the high subsonic level with Mach 0.93 with high G maneuverability (10g).

From the terminal guidance system in the final phase, the Exocet Block 3 missile is also equipped with GPS guidance to more than 10 waypoints, so that it can attack ships or surface targets, with a complicated angle of attack, so that the movement of this missile is difficult to anticipate missile repelling from opposing warships. 

In addition, the Exocet MM40 Block 3 is also equipped with a laser gyro, GPS (global positioning system), INS (inertial navigation system), J band active radar, and image recognition.

Exocet MM40 Block 3 has a small RCS (radar cross section), combined with a low heat emission engine (low IR signature) makes the MM40 Block 3 claimed to be a stealth anti ship missile.

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