'Old' Leopard 1A5 MBT Fitted With Cockerill 3105 Cannon, More Powerful And Lighter Weight

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'Old' Leopard 1A5 MBT Fitted With Cockerill 3105 Cannon, More Powerful And Lighter Weight

Eurosatory 2022 does not only feature new defense equipment, some also offer upgrade packages for old defense equipment. One of them is Johh Cockerill (formerly CMI), this Belgian manufacturer of cannon and cavalry weapons systems displayed the Leopard 1A5 MBT (Main Battle Tank) with a Cockerill 3105 turret fitted. stranger again.

To be precise, the Cockerill 3105 is a turret type mounted on the Pindad Harimau medium tank. At Eurosatory 2022, John Cockerill offers not only gun installations, but includes a platform-wide modernization package, which involves upgrades to the engine, transmission, brakes, suspension, and many others, which in essence can meet the needs of users to increase the mobility of the 60s generation MBT. this.

Although the prestige of the Leopard 1 has been shifted by the Leopard 2 series, the population of this MBT is still quite large. Especially in the Leopard 1A5 variant, until now it is still operated by the Brazilian Army (250 units), Chile (202 units), Ecuador (60 units) and Greece (501 units).

The main armament of the Leopard 1A5 is the 105 mm Royal Ordnance L7A3 L/52 gun with 13 munitions in the turret and 42 munitions in the tank hull. While the secondary weapons are 2 × 7.62 mm MG 3 or FN MAG coaxial and in the commander's hatch, which has a munition capacity of 5,500 rounds.

While the Cockerill 3105, although carrying the same caliber, this type of High Pressure cannon already comes with all-digital technology. Cockerill 3105 has adopted full digital weapon stabilization and computerized fire control. 

The ammunition supply to the barrel also adopts an auto reload system, as a result, the crew on the tank only has 3 personnel, namely the driver, commander and gunner. On the standard Leopard 1A5 the crew consists of 4 personnel, because the pattern of loading munitions into the barrel is still manually.

'Old' Leopard

The Cockerill 3105 has a resistance level of STANAG level 5, meaning the dome can withstand the brunt of 25 mm caliber projectiles from a distance of 500 meters. In addition to its nature of releasing various projectiles, the 105HP barrel can also spew anti-tank missiles, namely the Falarick 105. The missile, which is included in the Gun-Launched Anti-Tank Guided Missile (GLATGM) segment, can hit targets as far as 5,000 meters.

One more thing that is interesting, the adoption of Cockerill 3105 apparently can reduce the total weight of this tank. The Leopard 1A5 weighs up to 42 tons, of which the turret system alone weighs 9 tons. In contrast, the Cockerll 3105 weighs only 5.2 tons.

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