China's Newest Aircraft Carrier Type 003 Officially Launches, Now Bears the Name 'Fujian'

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China's Newest Aircraft Carrier Type 003 Officially Launches, Now Bears the Name 'Fujian'

After experiencing a slight delay, the world's curiosity has paid off after this Friday morning (17/6/2022), the Chinese Navy has officially launched its newest aircraft carrier Type 003 at Jiangnan Shipyard, north of Shanghai. 

Launched from a dry dock that has become a 'wet dock', the Type 003 is now officially named CV-18 Fujian. Although all parts are open and clearly visible, the EMALS catapult is still covered.

Fujian is China's next generation aircraft carrier, equipped with more advanced technologies than the Liaoning and Shandong, including a launch system that adopts the EMALS (Advanced Electromagnetic Launch System) catapult and abandons the ski-jump launch model. 

Fujian looks equipped with a tower (island) which adopts a semi-stealth design. As for weapons, Fujian looks like one of them is fitted with a CIWS (Close In Weapon System) seven-barreled 30 mm caliber fast reaction canon – Type 730.

Zhou Chennming, a military researcher from Yuan Wang in Beijing, said it would take at least five years to reach IOC readiness on the Type 003 and 10 years to reach full combat readiness.

Fujian is a conventionally powered aircraft carrier with a weight in the range of 85,000 – 100,000 tons. Although China is known to be developing a stealth fighter jet that will operate on aircraft carriers (Shenyang J-35), it is believed that the ultimate weapon that can be released by the Type 003 is still the Shenyang J-15 Flying Shark fighter jet, which incidentally is also a mainstay on ships. parent Lioning and Shandong.

At first glance, Fujian has a size similar to the US Navy's Ford Class and Nimitz Class nuclear aircraft carriers. And this is the first aircraft carrier outside the US that was created with a construction similar to the Uncle Sam's nuclear aircraft carrier.

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