Zuzana 2000 8×8 – 155mm Self Propelled Howitzer With Slovak Flavor

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Zuzana 2000 8×8 – 155mm Self Propelled Howitzer With Slovak Flavor

Along with the 'donation' of the S-300 hanud system battery from Slovakia to Ukraine, the name Zuzana 2000 8×8 155/45 mm self propelled howitzer (SPH) was also raised. Sources from several international media said that there were intense negotiations between the Governments of Ukraine and Slovakia for the purchase of 16 Zuzana units.

Zuzana 2000 is nothing but SPH with tires with 8×8 drive. SPH was designed and developed by the Slovak company ZTS Defense. The first Zuzana prototype was completed in December 1992 and accepted into service of the Slovak Army in 1997 under the label Zuzana 2000. The first Slovak order was for eight Zuzana artillery vehicles and in May 1998, and a new order of 40 units.

The Zuzana 2000 is built on the Tatra 815 VP31 265 8×8 truck platform. The driver is at the front of the truck with the seats in the cab fully protected.

While the howtizer dome is in the middle of the truck chassis which is divided into two parts. The left cabin houses the gunner and loader operators, while the ammunition controller is in the right cabin. The entire body of the Zuzana is designed to be able to withstand the brunt of 7.62 mm caliber projectiles and artillery fragments.

The Zuzana 2000 engine is entrusted to the Tatra 2-939-34 air-cooled diesel engine that produces 345 hp. Zuzana's speed on smooth roads is a maximum of 80 km per hour and with full fuel, Zuzana can explore up to 740 km. The position of the engine is at the rear.

Speaking of fire power, the Zuzana 2000 relies on the NATO standard 155 mm/45 howitzer with the support of a computerized fire control system. Its firing performance can fire 6 projectiles per minute. Barrel elevation angle from +70° to -3.5º. In the dome, can carry a stock of 40 bullets. The Zuzana adopts an automatic munitions loading system with 30 ready-to-fire rounds and 10 rounds in fixed magazines.

Zuzana 2000

As a secondary weapon, the turret also has one NSV 12.7 mm caliber heavy machine gun. As for deception, there are 2× 3 81 mm smoke grenade dischargers.

Manned by four personnel, the Zuzana 2000 has a length of 12.97 meters, a width of 3.015 meters and a height of 3.53 meters. Zuzana's combat weight reaches 28,600 kg.

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