Rtut-BM 1L262E Multifunctional Ground Jamming Station, Deployed by Russia in the Battle of Ukraine

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Rtut-BM 1L262E Multifunctional Ground Jamming Station, Deployed by Russia in the Battle of Ukraine

After the 1RL257 Krasukha-4, which is called a 'high value target' in the electronic warfare line of weapons, Russia is reported to have again 'lost' a fairly sophisticated jamming device in the Ukraine role.

If 1RL257 Krasukha-4 was obtained in relatively intact condition because it was abandoned by its personnel, then this time a 1L262E Multifunctional ground jamming station was obtained in a destroyed condition.

From the post on the Twitter account @TheDeadDistrict (3/4/2022), an armored vehicle suspected of being 1L262E appears to be in a charred condition. It is called a high value target, because of the vital role of the 1L262E (Rtut-BM), such as the ability of this defense system to disrupt or disrupt communication between opposing troops, especially the forward air controllers unit, so that it cannot communicate with fighter jets/helicopters that will provide fire support. .

Rosoboronexport on its website states that the 1L262E can provide protection for troops (comrades) from the threat of artillery projectile attacks and mines, namely with radio fuzes technology. To be precise, the 1L262E system is designed to interrupt the radio flow of artillery munitions and mines.

This 1L262E station can reduce the damaging effects of artillery projectiles and mines, while jamming is done on their radio fuze. The jamming generated by the station initiates detonation of the shell at a safe altitude or switches the radio fuze into contact mode, drastically reducing the munition's destructive potential.

As a rule the stations are used for the protection of forward command posts and firing emplacements, but also include transport hubs and crossings. The station operates in automatic mode both when parked (static) and when moving.

Station 1L262E takes a few milliseconds to determine the scan frequency of the radio fuze and then simulates the signal required for the projectile to detonate.

Station 1L262E is not only capable of counteracting radio fuzes, but can be used effectively to 'suppress' communications on enemy VHF (very High Frequency) radio frequencies, even those operating in pseudo-random operational frequency readjustment (PROFR) mode.

The 1L262E jammer station is mounted on the MTLBU light armored armored chassis ensuring cross-terrain capability and high mobility as well as the ability to use it directly in the disposition of forces on the front lines of warfare.

The 1L262E is manned by two personnel, in its mode of operation the jamming station is equipped with an antenna that rotates -/+150 degrees and the jamming signal can last for six minutes.

From the specifications, the 1L262E operates at a frequency of 80 – 900 Mhz and can jam an area of ​​up to 50 hectares. The 1L262E system readiness degree can be done in 10 minutes duration.

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