Ukraine Launches Cryptocurrency Donation Program to Overcome the Impact of War with Russia

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Ukraine Launches Cryptocurrency Donation Program to Overcome the Impact of War with Russia

The Ukrainian government on Monday (14/3) officially opened a website that facilitates the giving of donations in the form of cryptocurrencies or cryptocurrencies. The program runs under partnership with crypto companies FTX and Everstake.

Citing The Straits Times, the Aid for Ukraine site is currently accepting donations in several types of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tether, Dogecoin, Solana, Polkadot, Monero, ICON, and NEO N3.

Deputy Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, Oleksandre Borniakov, said that cryptocurrencies play an important role in the defense of Ukraine. He hopes that the global community will be moved to help Ukraine in difficult times like today.

"Cryptocurrency assets have proven invaluable in facilitating the flow of funds to Ukrainian citizens and soldiers and in raising awareness and interest among the global public," Borniakov said in a statement.

Crypto company Everstake, one of the largest in Ukraine, will allow users to make donations in cryptocurrencies other than those listed on the site.

The government's official website also plans to add a feature where visitors can donate in the form of non-fungible tokens (NFT) in the future.

The program also runs under FTX, an exchange platform based in the Bahamas. The platform was founded by US billionaire Sam Bankman-Fried. The FTX said it would convert the donated funds into dollars and channel them to the National Bank of Ukraine.

The Ukrainian cryptocurrency exchange platform Kuna is also part of this government program.

Based on KONTAN's monitoring, the Aid for Ukraine website as of Tuesday (15/3) afternoon had managed to collect US$ 48.5 million. The target to be achieved is US$ 200 million.

Ukraine's Ministry of Digital Transformation and all partners involved in this program ensure that all money raised will be used to support the Ukrainian military as well as civilians in need of humanitarian assistance.

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