The United States provided additional assistance worth US $ 100 million to Ukraine. This assistance aims to increase the security capacity of civilians in Ukraine, especially in border areas that are struggling against the Russian invasion.
US Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken said the assistance also aims to maintain the law enforcement function of civilians and safeguard government infrastructure in the face of attacks from Russia.
"This increased aid fund will again be channeled into personal protective equipment, field equipment, tactical equipment, medical supplies, armored vehicles and communications equipment for the Ukrainian State Border Guard Service and the Ukrainian National Police," Blinken said, in a government statement on Saturday. (26/3).
With this assistance, Ukrainian law enforcement officials played a key role in rescuing the victims of the Russian attacks, leading and protecting their convoys displaced by the attacks, and providing security to civilian areas torn apart by the bombings.
He added that the US continues to stand with the community of countries who support the Ukrainian people and government as they defend their democracy and their country. It continues to urge Russia to end the violence.
"Then control its troops, including those who have committed war crimes, and choose the path of peace and diplomacy," he said.
Therefore, the US is committed to holding Russia responsible for war crimes, including through criminal prosecution.
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