Talking About World War III, Ukraine Urges the West to help Fight Putin

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Talking About World War III, Ukraine Urges the West to help Fight Putin

Ukraine urged Western countries to arm the country against Russian military aggression Monday (14/3).

Ukraine's Foreign Minister, Dmytro Kuleba, alluded to the World War III threat of a Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Kuleba also asked Western countries that have been committed to defending Ukraine to impose more sanctions and boycotts on Russia.

"For those out there who are afraid of being 'dragged into World War III.' "Ukraine will fight back and succeed. We need your help to fight. Give us all the necessary weapons. Apply more sanctions to Russia and carry out complete isolation," Kuleba said on his Twitter account, Monday (14/3), as reported by Reuters.

"Help Ukraine push Putin to failure and you will be able to avoid a bigger war," he continued.

Previously, Kuleba had asked Western countries to send fighter jets and other military assistance to Ukraine. This request was made so that Ukraine could defend their air territory, given that there would be more casualties if the country could not stop the Russian air strikes.

"Our highest demand is for fighter jets, attack aircraft and air defense systems," Kuleba said.

Ukraine continues to urge its allies to do more to pressure Russia, one of which is implementing a no-fly zone in the country's airspace.

However, some Western countries fear the aid sent to Ukraine could drag them, including NATO members, into direct war with Russia.

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