Russia's Military Invasion of Ukraine Gets Cruel, Malls Destroyed, Civilians Shot

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Russia's Military Invasion of Ukraine Gets Cruel, Malls Destroyed, Civilians Shot

The invasion of Russian military forces into Ukraine is increasingly brutal and sadistic. Recently, the Russian military destroyed a mall in downtown Kyiv. In addition, Russian soldiers also opened fire on unarmed civilians during demonstrations. reported that Russia on Monday (21/3/2022) said it destroyed a mall in Kyiv with high-precision long-range weapons, because it was used as a rocket warehouse and recharging station by Ukrainian troops.

A Kyiv shopping center was attacked on Sunday (20/3/2022) night and killed at least eight people. Nearby buildings were also destroyed, and smoky piles of rubble and burnt car wrecks were scattered for several hundred meters.

"The area near the shopping center is used as a large base for storing rocket ammunition and for reloading several rocket launchers," Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said.

"High-precision long-range weapons on the night of March 21 destroyed a Ukrainian dual rocket launcher battery and an ammunition depot in a non-functioning shopping mall," he continued.

Konashenkov later showed a video which he said showed Ukrainians using malls in Kyiv as gun shops and reloading stations. Russia's invasion of Ukraine since February 24 has killed thousands, displaced 10 million and raised fears of a wider confrontation between Russia and the United States.

President Vladimir Putin said the action he called special military operations in Ukraine was necessary, because the United States was using Ukraine to threaten Russia. Russia, he said, had to defend against the "genocide" of the Russian-speaking people by Ukraine. Ukraine says it is fighting for its existence against Russian imperial-style land grabs, and Putin's claims of genocide are nonsense.

Russian soldiers open fire on civilians

In the Ukrainian city of Kherson, Russian soldiers opened fire on unarmed civilians. The civil society was demonstrating against the Russian occupation of the city.

Reporting from, Ukrainian officials on Tuesday (22/3/2022) accused Russian soldiers of shooting at unarmed protesters in the occupied city of Kherson. There are several videos on social media showing Khersonians fleeing flash grenades and continuous gunfire.

"The invaders are shooting people who come out peacefully, unarmed, to protest. For our freedoms," Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was quoted as saying by AFP.

A series of videos uploaded to social media and the messaging app Telegram shows residents gathering in Kherson's Freedom Square to protest Russia's recent seizure of the city.

Dozens of men and women clad in the blue-and-yellow Ukrainian flag could be heard chanting the words "Go Home" and "Glory to Ukraine", then a stun grenade fell into the crowd and they fled in panic. Russian soldiers can be seen firing multiple shots into the air, with no direct evidence that their rifles were aimed directly at civilians.

However, video footage also shows a group of people tending to an elderly man who had passed out and was bleeding and then carried him away. Local official Yuriy Sobolevsky said the old man's leg was badly injured and he lost a lot of blood. He added that medics were treating the injured and their lives were not in danger.

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba also posted a video of the incident on Twitter. "In Kherson, Russian war criminals opened fire on unarmed people who were peacefully protesting against the invaders," Kuleba said.

"This is the ugly face of Russia, a disgrace to humanity. We have to stop Russia! Sanction them, isolate them, prosecute war criminals," he said.

Kherson, a city of nearly 300,000 people before the Russia-Ukraine war, was the first major city to fall to Moscow forces in the first week of its invasion.

People in Kherson often hold demonstrations against Russian control of the city, against Russia's claims that it has liberated the city.

Local media reported several times that Russian troops opened fire on protesters. Sobolevsky vowed the demonstrations would continue. "Despite all this incident, the protesters did not disperse! And tomorrow they will gather again!" she says.

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