Carl Gustaf M4, The Most Advanced Variant in the Anti-Tank Rocket Family Made by Saab

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Carl Gustaf M4, The Most Advanced Variant in the Anti-Tank Rocket Family Made by Saab

Anti-tank rocket weapons in the class of Carl Gustaf M4 are indeed quite deadly individual defense equipment.

With the label as an individual anti-tank rocket weapon, the ability of the Carl Gustaf M4 can be mobilized individually. And this is clearly clear on the page if the Carl Gustaf M4 anti-tank rocket is labeled man-portable.

Which means that the Carl Gustaf M4 anti-tank rocket can only be used by one person for its operation.

As a result of the convenience of the Carl Gustaf M4 anti-tank rocket, it is not surprising that several countries have used it.

It is noted that the Carl Gustaf M4 anti-tank rocket has been used by Slovakia, Sweden, Norway, Estonia, Latvia, Estonia, Australia and Malaysia.

Apart from the many Carl Gustaf M4 anti-tank rocket operators, it turns out that this weapon has quite a deadly characteristic.

Reporting from, the Carl Gustaf M4 anti-tank rocket has High Explosive Dual Purpose (HEDP).

From the HEDP, the Carl Gustaf M4 anti-tank rocket has a caliber of 84mm and is an ideal rocket launcher weapon.

And the length of the anti-tank rocket Carl Gustaf M4 does not exceed 1,000mm and weighs no more than 7 kg. With its compact form and light weight, the Carl Gustaf M4 anti-tank rocket can be easily mobilized.

Launching that the Carl Gustaf M4 anti-tank rocket has also been used in several world special forces.

Because the Carl Gustaf M4 anti-tank rocket has a light shape and weight for a multifunctional rocket launcher weapon.

Not only that, it is known that the Carl Gustaf M4 anti-tank rocket has a high level of accuracy for a rocket launcher weapon.

Due to the Carl Gustaf M4 anti-tank rocket, several advanced sights can be mounted on the left side.

The Carl Gustaf M4 anti-tank rocket aiming tool can help infantry soldiers to shoot precisely and precisely.

With the Carl Gustaf M4 anti-tank rocket, Sweden has launched several Carl Gustav variants so far.

From the Carl Gustaf M2 variant and up to the latest today is the Carl Gustav M4. It should be noted that the Carl Gustaf M4 anti-tank rocket can be operated in various battlefields.

Such as urban battles, swamp battles, seas, and many other battlegrounds.

As for the escape power of the Carl Gustaf M4 anti-tank rocket ammunition itself, it can reach 2 km with a good level of accuracy.

In addition, the Carl Gustaf M4 anti-tank rocket was launched in 2014 and is still relatively new.
As a result, the Carl Gustav M4 anti-tank rocket became a recoilless light anti-tank weapon against armored vehicle units.

In addition, the Carl Gustav M4 anti-tank rocket can overcome tank vehicles and can deal with large troops. Because the Carl Gustav M4 anti tank rocket has High Explosive (HE) ammunition to Anti Personnel.

With this series of advantages, the Carl Gustav M4 anti-tank rocket is a defense system known for its prowess.

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