Besides Kyiv, These Three Cities in Ukraine Are Predicted to Be Targeted by Russia!

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Besides Kyiv, These Three Cities in Ukraine Are Predicted to Be Targeted by Russia!

The United States has reportedly informed allies that Russia may target three other cities outside of Kyiv when the invasion progresses.

Western alliance officials who spoke on condition of anonymity said the cities likely to be targeted were Kharkiv in the northeast and Odessa and Kherson in the south.

The sources said the estimates were based on detailed information about the types of troops and Russian capabilities currently near Ukraine, as well as how they might be prepared to act from various locations.

Russia is currently known to have a significant number of combat troops in Belarus, Crimea, as well as at sea. Russia also supports separatists in eastern Ukraine although it denies arming them.

On Friday, US President Joe Biden said he now believed Russia had decided to move against Ukraine and an invasion would occur within days.

Russia continues to deny its plans to invade Ukraine and says it has pulled troops back from areas near the border.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has also indicated that the Russian troop buildup is partly meant to pressure the West over its demands for security guarantees.

The Belarusian Ministry of Defense on Sunday (20/2) announced that military exercises with Russia would be extended indefinitely. The joint exercise was originally scheduled to end on Sunday.

NATO estimates there are about 30,000 Russian troops involved in the exercise and currently still in Belarus.

The decision to extend the training period was taken because military activity near the Russian and Belarusian borders continues to increase. At the same time, the conflict in the Donbass region of eastern Ukraine has also escalated.

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