Russia Shows UMT – Multi-Purpose Light Torpedo For Underwater Anti-Drone Missions

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Russia Shows UMT – Multi-Purpose Light Torpedo For Underwater Anti-Drone Missions

In the dynamics of warfare involving the sea dimension, attacks from underwater drones - Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) cannot be ruled out. Russia, which faces tough challenges in the Black Sea, has released the UMT, a type of lightweight, small-sized torpedo designed for anti-drone missions.

First introduced at the 2023 International Maritime Defense Show (IMDS) in Kronshtadt on 21-25 June 2023, the UMT is smaller than the standard NATO light torpedo. As an illustration, NATO light torpedoes such as the Raytheon MK46/MK54 have a diameter of 324 mm, the diameter of the UMT (caliber) is only 220 mm.

The UMT torpedo adopts a classic cylindrical design with three elements in its structure, namely the front contains the acoustic sensors and warhead, the rear contains the battery and propellant, and in the middle there is control equipment and combat system management that can be connected to external consoles before.

The UMT torpedo was developed by Concern Sea Underwater Weapon – Gidropribor (part of the Tactical Missiles Corporation). The UMT is designed to combat unmanned submarines and surface ships. Despite its small size and weight, this torpedo has great power with optimal range. UMT is equipped with modern multiprocessor analog-digital equipment to detect and destroy targets.

The developers say the UMT torpedo can operate in a choice of autonomous and remote control modes, carrying a 35 kg warhead. The UMT torpedo is 2 meters long and weighs around 100-140 kg.

The UMT is not designed to be launched from torpedo tubes, instead it is prepared to be launched from helicopters, airplanes and aerial drones. The UMT can reach targets up to 7,000 meters at a speed of 27 knots. The developer states that it can be used in all areas of the world's oceans.

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