9M123M Khrizantema – Rudal Anti Tank Paling Mematikan Milik Rusia

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9M123M Khrizantema – Rudal Anti Tank Paling Mematikan Milik Rusia

Realizing that it would be engaged in large-scale cavalry warfare, Russia at the Army 2023 event (14-20 August 2023) for the first time demonstrated the latest generation of anti-tank missiles. Specifically High Precision Weapons (part of Rostec) released the 9M123M Khrizantema and 9M123MF anti-tank missiles. 

These two anti-tank missiles cannot be equated with the Javelin missile which is launched by means of the shoulder, these two new anti-tank missiles are specifically launched from the Ranpur vehicle or the Mi-28N and Ka-52M attack helicopters.

The 9M123M missile has earned the nickname 'armor killer' because it is capable of penetrating up to 1.1 meters of armor. According to Rostec, the 9M123M missile is designed to destroy armored targets, including advanced tanks and other armored equipment. Meanwhile, the 9M123MF missile designed for the 9M123MF is used for suppress firing points, manpower, buildings and fortifications.

The 9M123M Khrizantema anti-tank missile is the latest variant of Russia's current strongest anti-tank missile. This missile is part of the self-propelled 9P157-2 Khrizantema-S, which carries the BMP-3 combat chassis.

NATO labels 9M123 as AT-15 Springer. Designed since 1996 by KB Mashinostroyeniya, this missile has only been put into operation by Russia since 2005 and has been tested during the conflict in Libya. Missile 9M123M, has a weight of 46 kg and a length of 2.05 meters. The warhead weighs 6-8 kg and is triggered by impact fuze.

The 9M123 missile travels at supersonic speeds, flying at an average speed of 400 meters per second or Mach 1.2. and has a range of between 400 and 6,000 meters. Propulsion is achieved via a single solid-fuel rocket motor with two exhausts on either side of the missile. The offset exhaust rotates the missile during flight. Guidance control is provided by two pop-out control surfaces at the rear of the missile.

Four additional surfaces, directly in front of the controls, help stabilize the missile in flight. The Khrizanthema is unique among Russian anti-tank missiles, in part because it is guided by a laser or radar. The radar unit uses millimeter wave bands and the system automatically tracks the target and guides the missile in the radar beam. The form of this guide is line of sight beam riding (LOSBR), namely automatic command to line of sight (ACLOS).

When guided using a laser, a continuous laser beam is generated towards the target and a sensor at the rear allows the missile to direct the laser beam at the target without any risk of jamming; the form of this guide is LOSBR i.e. semi-automatic command to line of sight (SACLOS). This dual guidance system allows two missiles to be fired at two separate targets at once, with one guided by the laser and the other by the radar.

Each missile carries a tandem-charged high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT) capable of tearing through 1,100–1,250 mm of homogeneous armor (RHA) behind the ERA. Alternatively, a thermobaric warhead can be deployed to engage enemy infantry base targets.

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