Sukhoi Su-30MKI (India) Successfully Tests Fired Missile BrahMoS ALCM Extended Range Variant

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Sukhoi Su-30MKI (India) Successfully Tests Fired Missile BrahMoS ALCM Extended Range Variant

The BrahMos (Brahmaputra Moskva) ALCM (Air Launched Cruise Missile) cruise missile has been officially operated as a strategic weapon element for the Indian Air Force, where BrahMos ALCM is attached to the combat capability of the Sukhoi Su-30MKI, which incidentally is still the only BrahMos ALCM launcher vehicle. 

Even though BrahMos ALCM production certification was achieved in June 2020, apparently the development of BrahMos ALCM continues.

On December 29, 2022, it was announced that the Indian Air Force had successfully conducted a test firing of the Extended Range (ER) variant of the BrahMos ALCM missile from a Su-30MKI fighter jet.

In a press release from the Ministry of Defense of India, it was stated that the trial of the BrahMos ALCM ER could take place thanks to the cooperation between the air force, navy, Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO), BrahMos Aerospace and Hindustan Aerospace Limited (HAL).

The Brahmos Air Launched ER missile test was carried out targeting a surface ship in the Bay of Bengal area. With this, the Indian Air Force has achieved a significant increase in the ability to carry out precision strikes from the Su-30MKI against land or sea targets at very long ranges.

BrahMoS ALCM ER is said to be able to attack targets on the surface as far as 350 – 400 km, farther than the initial variant which could only reach targets as far as 290 km. The first BrahMos ALCM test was conducted in 2017.

To be integrated into the Su-30MKI, BrahMos underwent several important changes, including a reduction in weight, from initially 2.9 tons to 2.5 tons. it is not only the missile side that is getting adjustments, but the Su-30MKI fighter jet in fact also needs to be modified so that it can carry this chubby-sized missile.

Based on the Fleet Release Clearance (FRC) certification that has been issued, currently only a few Su-30MKI are ready to launch BrahMos missiles for combatant missions.

BrahMos ALCM ER is predicted to be able to hit the over the horizon target. Speaking of speed, the missile, which is worth US$4.5 million per unit, can fly at a maximum speed of Mach 2.8. In theory, BrahMos ALCM can be released from a maximum altitude of 9,000 meters and as low as 500 meters.

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