Upgraded C-130 Hercules Now Capable of Launching the AGM-158 JASSM Cruise Missile

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Upgraded C-130 Hercules Now Capable of Launching the AGM-158 JASSM Cruise Missile

The combat capability of the MC-130J Commando II is projected to increase sharply, where the C-130 Hercules combat variant can launch the AGM-158 JASSM (Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile) ER (Extended Range) cruise missile. 

At the initiative of the US Air Force Special Operations Command Europe (SOCEUR), on November 9, 2022, taking place off the northern coast of Norway, the AGM-158 JASSM was launched using the Rapid Dragon system technique.

To be precise, an MC-130J flew somewhere over the North Sea, then opened the rear cargo hold and lowered the Rapid Dragon system. Four pallets with parachutes spread smoothly and slow the fall of the missile system. Next was the launch of the AGM-158 JASSM cruise missile.

Launched in a nose-down position, the AGM-158 JASSM missile launches, opens the wing of the missile, then ignites the rocket propulsion motor, and the missile roams on a predetermined route.

The Rapid Dragon test launch was reportedly successful. Given that the Rapid Dragon test was conducted at a time when tensions between the US/NATO and Russia were heating up, many suspected that the AGM-158 JASSM missile test launch activity was related to a provocation to pressure Russia.

However, a few days after the trial, SOCEUR announced that the Rapid Dragon test was not aimed at provocation with Russia, or with any other country.

The SOCEUR statement is intended to show Moscow that the Rapid Dragon will not enter the air defense area of ​​the S-300 and S-400 systems. If you refer to the Rapid Dragon test site off the northern coast of Norway, it is geographically close to the Kola Peninsula, where Russia has a major submarine maintenance base there.

This test launch is key for NATO, Rapid Dragon can provide fast and timely air support to any ally as it is mobile and can be quickly transported by cargo aircraft. Once launched, the Rapid Dragon can decide to release all the missiles at once, or one at a time.

In one flight, the C-130 Hercules can carry up to 45 AGM-158 JASSM missiles in the Rapid Dragon system. In one of the most recent Rapid Dragon tests, the AGM-158 JASSM cruise missile hit a target 925 km away.

The AGM-158 JASSM is a category air launched cruise missile designed and manufactured by Lockheed Martin. At least two variants of this missile have been operated by the US Air Force, namely the AGM-158A JASSM and AGM-158B JASSM-ER (Extended Range). 

Although the two variants have the same dimensions, their capabilities are not the same. Both variants have a length of 4.27 meters, a wingspan of 2.4 meters and a weight of 1 ton.

AGM-158 JASSM Cruise Missile

The AGM-158A has been in production since 1998, and is powered by a Teledyne CAE J402-CA-100 turbojet engine producing 3.0 kN of thrust. The AGM-158A's range is 370 km. While the AGM-158B has been in production since 2006, it is powered by a Williams International F107-WR-105 turbofan engine. AGM-158B cruising range reaches 925 km.

Although the manufacturer did not mention the speed details, it is said that the two variants of this missile flew in the subsonic corridor with a WDU-42/B penetrator warhead weighing 450 kg. The prices of the two are also very different, the AGM-158A JASSM is priced at US$850 thousand per unit, while the AGM-158B JASSM-ER is priced at US$1.32 million per unit.

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