Turkish Roketsan Successfully Tests Coastal Defense Variant Atmaca Missile

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Turkish Roketsan Successfully Tests Coastal Defense Variant Atmaca Missile

Dear netizens, of course, know about Atmaca missiles, namely anti-ship missiles produced by Roketsan, a champion weapon manufacturer from the Ottoman State. After a series of firing trials carried out from aboard a surface warship, there is the latest news, that Roketsan has successfully launched the Atmaca missile from a land based variant.

At the same time, the Atmaca has earned a label like the RK-360MC Neptune, namely as an anti-ship missile – coastal defense. Quoted from Navalnews.com (4/7/2022), the Turkish Ministry of Defense and Roketsan announced the test launch of the Atmaca from a truck platform. From the video, an 8×8 truck (possibly of the Russian-made Kamaz type) is loaded with four missile tubes and fires the missiles towards the sea.

The Turkish Ministry of Defense in a press release claimed that the Atmaca land-based variant firing test was successful by targeting targets in the Black Sea.

Unlike the variants launched from warships, the Atmaca land based variant is equipped with an infrared guidance system. Officials did not disclose information about the infrared system on the missile in this test fire, but the screenshot below shows a slight difference in the nose of the missile.

At the IDEF 2021 defense exhibition in Istanbul, Roketsan has unveiled the “Kara Atmaca”, the land-to-land variant of the Atmaca, which will have an infrared sight and longer range than the current variant.

Atmaca naval variant.
Atmaca naval variant

The Atmaca is referred to as an anti-ship missile that travels at a subsonic speed level of Mach 0.85 and flies at sea skimming altitudes. Supported by the Safran TR40 microturbo engine, the Atmaca has a firing range of up to 200 km. The weight of this missile reaches 800 kg, including a 250 kg high-explosive penetrating warhead.

The Atmaca missile has a length of 5.2 meters, a diameter of 350 mm and a wingspan of 1.4 meters. How about the guiding system? The missile, which was launched by the Ottoman Empire, relies on a combination of inertial navigation system, GPS (Global Positioning System), barometric altimeter/radar altimeter with terminal guidance via an active radio frequency (RF) seeker.

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