RV-02 – Vietnamese Stealth Target Detection Radar, Not Prototype!

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RV-02 – Vietnamese Stealth Target Detection Radar, Not Prototype!

In terms of the aerospace industry, Indonesia is arguably above Vietnam, this is evidenced by Vietnam importing the NC-212i light transport aircraft produced by PT Dirgantara Indonesia. However, what about other technological aspects, say in the military radar adoption sector. We often hear that state-owned companies in Indonesia have succeeded in making military radar prototypes, such as the GCI radar or Ground Control Intercept.

No less indeed, but those made in Indonesia are still only prototypes, which means that the radar has not been fully operated as an asset used by military units.

On the other hand, Vietnam, through technology transfer, has now succeeded in making and operating a sophisticated reconnaissance radar that has indeed been used by military units. The question is, what radar is capable of being made by Vietnam? And from which country did the technology transfer come from?

What is meant here is the RV-02 medium-range reconnaissance radar built by the Institute of Military Engineering Non-Air Force. Of course, the RV-02 was not born out of nowhere, because the RV-02 was designed based on the development of the RV-01 radar variant, which was the result of cooperation with Belarus. 

As is known, previously Vietnam was a user of the Vostok E radar made by KB Radar JSC, Belarus. The Vostok E radar is believed to be Vietnam's reference in the development of the RV series radar, due to adopting a similar technology.

The components of the RV-02 radar system consist of Antenna System, System transceiver signal, System process digitized signals, system displays information and control system. The RV-02 system integrates devices on two separate vehicles designed to ensure mobility. 

Interestingly, from the looks of it, the RV-02 adopts a rig antenna that is 21.6 meters wide with 28 channels which is designed and processed with advanced technology to ensure detecting targets hundreds of kilometers away in different terrain and weather conditions. The Vietnamese military claims that the RV-02 has significantly increased positive anti-interference and negative anti-jamming capabilities.

The height of the RV-02 rig's antenna is 11 meters from ground level, which ensures the system can 'compact' the best aerial targets within a detection range of 360 kilometers. However, with a rotational speed of 6 cycles/minute, the body system, radar base is designed with special criteria. 


RV-02 with the support of an automatic hydraulic control system, only requires deployment time in one location in the range of 10-15 minutes, much better than the previous system which requires a deployment time of 45 minutes – 1 hour.

Operation of the RV-02 is designed to be simple and effective. The developer claims that the RV-02's radar system can detect targets with little reflection or even be able to detect targets in the form of stealth fighters.

Now, by looking at what Vietnam has done, it seems like an example for Indonesia, where the R&D design is not only stuck on prototyping, but must continue to be developed, perfected and eventually actually acquired or used by the relevant military units.

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