Ranpur APC VAB 4×4 Appears in Ukraine, Brings Memories to VAB Action in Jakarta 1998

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Ranpur APC VAB 4×4 Appears in Ukraine, Brings Memories to VAB Action in Jakarta 1998

Armored ranpur tires 'veterans' the Bosnian War, 4×4 VAB, reportedly also deployed in the war in Ukraine. The presence of 4×4 VABs in Ukraine is based on information from the French Ministry of Defense, Sébastien Lecornu, published in the French newspaper “Le Parisien” on June 28, 2022, where it is said that France is busy sending a stockpile of 4×4 VAB armored weapons to Ukraine.

And a month has passed, currently circulating on social media, a short video showing the first sighting of a 4×4 VAB operated by Ukrainian forces. The delivery of 4×4 VABs to Ukraine does not appear to be a problem for French military readiness, as they are replaced by the Griffon, a new generation of 6×6 armored vehicles.

“To move quickly through the area under enemy fire, the Ukrainian army needs armored vehicles. France will deliver in significant numbers this type of armored personnel carrier (VAB), which is armed with a 12.7 mm caliber heavy machine gun," the French Defense Minister said.

The VAB is a wheeled armored vehicle developed by the French company Panhard and the Saviem/Renault Group in 4×4 and 6×6 configurations between 1972 and 1973. The first VAB entered service with the French military in 1976.

The most common model used by the French Army is the 4X4 VAB VTT (Véhicule Transport de Troupe – Armored Personnel Carrier) which has a crew of three including a commander, gunner and driver, and can carry 10 fully armed infantrymen.

The VAB's all-welded steel hull provides protection to the crew from small arms fire and artillery debris. The driver sits in front of the vehicle on the left with the commander/gunner on the right. The infantrymen sat on bench seats that stretched on either side of the hull. On each side of the hull are three windows, which can be opened to the outside and can be closed by armored shutters.

The VAB 4×4 is powered by the Renault MIDR 062045 235 kW (320 hp) water-cooled 6-cylinder diesel engine. With a fuel capacity of 310 liters, the VAB has a mileage of 1200 km. The maximum speed on the highway is 90 km per hour and the speed in the water, with the support of two propellers at the rear is 2.2 meters per second.

All French Army VAB fleets are maintained in operational condition by the company ARQUUS which has also developed an upgraded version of the vehicle under the name VAB MK3 Ultima.

The VAB Ultima is equipped with new armor and equipment that offers increased protection against improvised explosive devices (IEDs). The manual dome has been replaced with a remotely controlled 12.7 mm gun station that allows the operator to remain in the vehicle, and an acoustic sniper location (SLATE) system.

Remember VAB Remember Reform (Jakarta) 1998

Of the many ranpurs and rantis involved in securing Jakarta during the mass riots in 1998, the VAB ranpur from France is quite attractive. In addition to being classified as a new armored vehicle at that time, the design of this armored vehicle was also unique. In the response to the riots in Jakarta, under the command of YonKav 7 Sersus/Special Panser (now – YonKav 7 Pragosa Satya) of the Jaya Regional Military Command, VAB was involved as Ranpur PHH (Forces for Combatting Riots).

During this critical period, the Commander of the Jaya Regional Military Command at that time, Major General Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin often patrolled using VAB around Jakarta. The presence of the VAB is expected to bring a deterrent effect in society, in the deterrent campaign, YonKav 7 also deploys the V-150 armored vehicle.

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