Philippine Army Inaugurates New Artillery Battalion With 12 SPH Atmos 2000

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Philippine Army Inaugurates New Artillery Battalion With 12 SPH Atmos 2000

The Philippine Army has formed a new battalion to operate the Atmos 2000 self propelled howitzer (SPH) system (Autonomous Truck Mounted howitzer System) 2000 recently imported from Israeli company Soltam Systems (Elbit Systems). 

The Philippine Army Artillery Regiment has inaugurated a new unit, the 10th Field Artillery Battalion which operates 12 Atmos 2000 units.

Quoted from (24/6/2022), Philippine Army spokesman Colonel Xerxes Trinidad said that the 10th Field Artillery Battalion will be based at Fort Magsaysay, 120 km north of Manila.

The Inspector General of the Philippine Army, Major General Roy M. Galido, who represented the Army Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Romeo S. Brawner Jr., led the inauguration ceremony. 

"This newly activated Artillery Battalion will certainly contribute to our continued victories in conducting joint weapons operations," he said in his remarks. The new Artillery Battalion was led by a mid-ranking lieutenant colonel.

“As an Artilyeros (artillery troop), don't forget the characteristics that make you the best—speed and accuracy. Speed ​​in providing much-needed fire support for troops and accuracy in hitting only designated targets and avoiding additional damage,” added Galido. Earlier, the Philippine Army Artillery Regiment announced it had conducted a test fire for the first time using the Atmos 2000.

Similar to the TRF-1 CAESAR (Camion Equipe' d'un Syste'me d' ARtillerie) operated by Kostrad TNI AD, this armed weapon system made by Soltam Systems (Elbit Systems) is based on a 155 mm/52 NATO caliber, but the barrel can be changed. for 39 and 45 caliber munitions. Uniquely, when using 155 mm/45 caliber munitions, this howitzer can fire Russian-made 133 mm M-46 munitions.

With 155 mm/52 type Extended Range Full Bore Base Bleed (ERFB-BB) projectiles, the maximum firing range of Atmos can reach 41 km. 

Meanwhile, when using high-explosive NATO L15 projectiles, the shooting range reaches 30 km. Atmos can also launch the old M107 High Explosive type projectile which has a firing range of 22 km.

SPH Atmos 2000
SPH Atmos 2000

Atmos 2000 can be set up in 1.5 minutes until the first shot is made. The firing speed is divided into burst, rapid and sustained modes. When burst mode is used, three projectiles can be fired for a duration of 15 seconds, a rapid mode with five projectiles in 1 minute and a sustained mode with more than 80 projectiles in a duration of 1 hour.

Atmos 200 Philippines uses the Tatra 6×6 truck platform, in one go Atmos can carry 27 munitions. In principle, the Atmos 2000 can be installed on other types of trucks, depending on the wishes of the buyer's country. Like the Tatra 6×6 used in the Atmos 2000, it is a truck manufactured by India under license.

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