Martin Baker Celebrates Successful First KF-21 Boramae Flight Test, Showcases KR18A Ejection Chair

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Martin Baker Celebrates Successful First KF-21 Boramae Flight Test, Showcases KR18A Ejection Chair

When the prototype of the KF-21 Boramae fighter jet successfully made its maiden flight on July 19, apart from the joyous parties in South Korea and Indonesia, apparently there was a British company that also celebrated the success of the KF-21 maiden flight. 

From the Farnborough International Airshow 2022 event, Martin Baker as an ejection seat manufacturer expressed his joy at the inaugural test flight of the KF-21 Boramae which lasted for 30 minutes.

Quoted from (20/7/2022), welcoming the debut flying of the KF-21 Boramae, Martin Baker at the 2022 Farnborough Airshow deliberately presented a mockup of the KF-21 cockpit complete with the Martin Baker MK18 ejection seat, also known as the KR18A. ejection seat.

“We are proud and honored to have been competitively selected for this new aircraft (KF-21). And we have seen firsthand the dedication and hard work that Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) and its team put into the successful design of the KT-1 and T-50 Golden Eagle turboprop trainers, for which we have no doubt that the KF-21 will follow the same path of success. ,” said Andrew Martin, senior vice president of marketing and business development at Martin Baker. 

For information, the KT-1 and the T-50 Golden Eagle fighter jet use the ejection seat from Martin Baker.

Testing of the KF-21 ejection seat has begun and certification is expected by the end of 2022. As on November 11, 2021, the ejection seat was tested on the KF-21 Boramae prototype. The ejection seat test actually started on February 10, 2022 and was carried out in collaboration with Martin Baker Aircraft over a period of about nine months. 

"We have started building product models and are expected to start shipping next year," said another official from Martin-Baker.

Through these tests, the performance of the injection system which allows the pilot to eject safely even in an emergency situation has been proven and the safety of the safe escape performance has been verified. Based on the results of the ejection seat test of the single-seat variant of the KF-21 fighter, further testing of the ejection seat on the KF-21 double-seat variant will be verified in the first half of 2022.

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