Israel Shipyards Launches Two First Units Of Shaldag MKV Class Fast Missile For Philippine Navy

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Israel Shipyards Launches Two First Units Of Shaldag MKV Class Fast Missile For Philippine Navy

The Philippine Navy is fairly progressive in building its war fleet. After procuring frigates and corvettes from South Korea, then Landing Platform Dock (LPD) or Strategic Sealift Vessel (SSV) Tarlac Class from PT PAL Indonesia, modernization in the fast ship line is also not left behind. And to continue the news in May 2021, it is now reported that the first two of the eight units of the Shaldag MKV Class have been launched by Israel Shipyards.

Quoted from (29/6/2022), Israel Shipyards based in Haifa, on June 28, 2022, launched the first two units of the Shaldag MKV Class ordered by the Philippine Navy. The ceremony was hosted by Israel Shipyards Chairman Samy Katsav and partners from CBAT, as well as Rafael Advanced Defense Systems. 

The Shaldag MKV Class was not acquired in empty form, but included an armament package in the form of Rafael's Spike NLOS missile.

Under the US$127 million contract, the Philippines will also receive a ToT (Transfer of Technology), such as four units of the Shaldag MKV Class to be built in the Philippines. While the two units of the Shaldag MKV Class that have been launched will be sent to the Philippines in September 2022.

Four of the Shaldag MKV Class will be armed with Spike NLOS missiles which have a firing range of 25 km, while the other four will be armed with the RCWS Typhoon and Mini Typhoon (with the Bushmaster M242 25 mm cannon).

About the Shaldaq MKV class, designed as an aluminum hull patrol boat, it is light and fast. The Shaldag MKV, like all members of the Shaldag Class, provides a high level of maneuverability and seakeeping. Designed to operate in remote areas, cost-effective with high firepower ratio. 

Shaldag MKV Class
Shaldag MKV Class

From the specifications, the Shaldag MKV has a length of 32.6 meters and a width of 6.2 meters. The full weight of this ship reaches 95 tons with a capacity of 15 personnel.

Powered by 2 units of MTU 12V 396 TE diesel engines and two units of steerable KaMeWa water jets, this warship is capable of accelerating up to 50 knots. 

With a cruising speed of 12 knots, the ship, which is also operated by Senegal, Sri Lanka, Nigeria, Argentina and Azerbaijan, can sail as far as 1,000 nautical miles. The Philippines side said that this missile fast boat would be optimized to protect the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and coastal waters.

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