Indonesian Navy Prepares to Test Launch of Hanud VL Mica and Torpedo A244/S Mod 3 Missiles

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Indonesian Navy Prepares to Test Launch of Hanud VL Mica and Torpedo A244/S Mod 3 Missiles

The test launch of the VL Mica hanud missile from the Martadinata Class frigate is something that netizens in Indonesia have been waiting for. The reason is that since the two Martadinata Class frigates are in full armament status, there has never been a test launch of the Hanud missile. 

Moreover, Mica is the first hand-held missile for the Indonesian Navy to be released with the vertical launcher system (VLS) model. In particular, Mica is a big leap for the Indonesian Navy, which is to become the first medium-range guided missile to be operated on a Navy warship.

Quoted from (27/6/2022), it was stated that the Navy's Weapons and Electronics Materials Service (Dissenlekal) would oversee tests of the reliability and combat capabilities of the main weaponry system in the form of firing missiles (VL Mica) and A244/S Mod 3 torpedoes.

In the 2022 Marine Operations Exercise (Latopsla) which will be held in the near future. The 2022 Latsopla in question is probably the 2022 Fleet Jaya Exercise which will be held between July or August 2022.

Considering that the KRI I Gusti Ngurah Rai 332 frigate is currently participating in the 2022 RIMPAC in Hawaii, United States, the trial launch of the VL Mica will be carried out by KRI RE Martadinata 331. For information, each Martadinata Class frigate has 12 Mica missile launchers, which are positioned in the bow, which is behind the OTO Melara 76 mm Super Rapid Gun cannon.

Mica missiles can ambush targets as far as 20,000 – 25,000 meters with an altitude of 30,000 feet (9,144 meters). If you are stuck, Mica can be fired with a minimum target distance of 1 km. Mica can go up to Mach 3. This missile has a total weight of 112 kg with a warhead weight of 12 kg. The warhead activation of this missile is based on the proximity radar fuze.

Meanwhile, the A244/S Mod 3 torpedo is the mainstay type of torpedo (Surface and Underwater Torpedo) for the Indonesian Navy arsenal. A244/S Mod 3 is a Whitehead by Leonardo Spa. This torpedo was acquired using an export credit facility for the 2011-2014 fiscal year. The purchase contract was carried out in 2017 for a value of 4 million euros.

In terms of capability, the A244/S Mod.3 torpedo is now equipped with Advanced Digital Signal Processor (ADSP) technology, which offers a number of upgrades to the classification and tracking functions of multiple targets simultaneously. ADSP also supports acoustic work and multi-frequency operation for target shooting in shallow water (40 meters deep).

The warhead embedded in the A244/S Mod.3 is an omni-directional type, which is believed to have a more lethal effect on the target. This new generation of torpedoes is also equipped with an environmentally friendly propulsion system, which uses non-toxic technology that does not pollute the waters.

Malaysian Navy A244/S training torpedo.

This torpedo with very low radiated noise is classified as a multi-platform torpedo, with a caliber of 324 mm, the A244/S Mod.3 can be released from surface warships, reconnaissance aircraft and AKS helicopters. The A244/S Mod.3 measures 2750 mm long, 324 mm wide and weighs 265 kg.

With its multi-platform capabilities, during the Armada Jaya 2022 Exercise, the A244/S Mod.3 torpedo could be launched from the AS565 MBe Panther full AKS (Anti-Submarine) helicopter which was recently handed over from PT Dirgantara Indonesia to the Ministry of Defense for Puspenerbal. . 

Or the A244/S Mod.3 can also be launched from a frigate or corvette. The A244/S itself is not a new item in the Indonesian Navy, because the previous generation, A244/S Mod.2 has been purchased (80 units) for the completeness of the Diponegoro Class corvette.

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