Indian Aircraft Carrier INS Vikrant Completes Sea Trial, Mysterious Appearance on Deck

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Indian Aircraft Carrier INS Vikrant Completes Sea Trial, Mysterious Appearance on Deck

Ahead of the scheduled commissioning on August 15, 2022, the Indian Navy released the news that the first aircraft carrier built by India – INS Vikrant, on Sunday (10/7/2022) had completed the fourth phase of the sea trial which included most of the tests. equipment and systems.

In the photo released by the Indian Navy, it also appears that the MiG-29K fighter jet has been placed on the deck of the INS Vikrant.

However, there is something else that made the news, that there was a 'mysterious' fighter jet sighting which was captured from a photo capture from the background of a helicopter on the deck of INS Vikrant. Having a transparent design, this sighting inevitably became local news headlines. Of course, there's actually nothing too strange, because the mysterious figure is a mockup or replica of a fighter jet. Why is it there?

Quoted from (11/7/2022), the crew of the aircraft carrier INS Vikrant is known to be training with a MiG-29K wireframe mockup. The mockup features three wheels positioned similar to the wheelbase of many fighter jets. Uniquely, the mockup almost looks as if it is see-through.

Indian defense journalist Angad Singh on Twitter account @zone5aviaition, shared a photo of the deck belonging to the INS Vikrant with the skeleton of a mysterious plane in the background. Upon closer inspection, it became clear that the wireframes were meant to represent the dimensions and wheelbase of the Mikoyan MiG-29K — India's current carrier-based multi-role fighter.

“It's a wireframe mockup for deck handling exercises, parking permits/lashings, etc.,” says Singh. He added that the Indian Navy had something similar on deck when the INS Vikramaditya was under renovation.

A wireframe is a skeleton blueprint or outline that outlines the basic design and functionality of an aircraft and unlike typical mockups or prototypes are made of a solid fuselage. Wireframes are 3D designs and look clear or transparent.

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