General Dynamics Wins Light Tank Procurement Project For US Army

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General Dynamics Wins Light Tank Procurement Project For US Army

For the first time since the end of the Cold War era, the United States Army (US Army) returned to order light tanks. Exactly General Dynamics Land Systems (GDLS) on June 29, 2022 has announced, it has been selected to supply the light tank in Mobile Protected Firepower (MPF) design. 

GDLS in this project managed to beat BAE Systems which offered a light tank design from the base of the M8 Buford.

Quoted from the General Dynamics website, it is stated that GDLS received a Low Rate Initial Production (LRIP) worth US$1.14 billion. GDLS will deliver 26 vehicles initially for the Infantry Brigade Combat Teams (IBCT). 

At least eight of the 12 prototypes used during the competitive evaluation will be reused for deployment to army operations. The contract also states that the US Army has the potential to purchase another 70 units during initial production.

The first production production unit is expected to be delivered by GDLS in just under 19 months. The US Army targets that by the fourth quarter of 2025 it will have received 42 of the mines, full production is also said to be underway in 2025. 

The US Army expects to spend about $6 billion on the MPF program through the procurement phase, including research and development costs and prototyping. . The total program life cycle costs including maintenance, military construction and personnel are estimated at $17 billion.

The plan is that the US Army plans to purchase 504 light tanks, and is projected to be in the armament inventory for at least 30 years. The US Army has set a target that most MPF procurement should be completed by 2035.

GDLS and BAE Systems in 2018 have been selected to create a prototype for this competition program. The two prototypes differ significantly. The GDLS offers a new lightweight chassis with a high-performance power pack and state-of-the-art suspension, combined with a turret featuring an updated version of the fire control system found in the new M1 Abrams MBT (Main Battle Tank) variant. 

In contrast, the design that BAE Systems offers is an updated Buford M8 armored construction system with new capabilities and components.

US Army officials said they chose the GDLS because it offered the best value. System costs, maturity and production readiness are factors to be considered.

Tank Procurement Project

In 2021, GDLS was commissioned to deliver a prototype to the 82nd Airborne Division at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. There, military personnel work to validate the MPF concept and provide feedback on how the tank design should develop tactics, techniques, and procedures.

In the fall of 2021, competing light tank prototypes moved into the Army's limited test facility, including being tested live fire systems, marking the final step before the GDLS was selected as the winner. 

General Dynamics Land Systems with Mobile Protected Fire Power share some similarities with the M1 Abrams MBT such as a similar fire control system and turret, points of interest to US Army personnel.

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