Frigate Flavor Landing Platform Dock Yu Shan Class Starts Sea Trial

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Frigate Flavor Landing Platform Dock Yu Shan Class Starts Sea Trial

After being launched on April 13, 2021, the Landing Platform Dock (LPD) with armaments equivalent to a Taiwanese-made frigate, ROCS Yu Shan, began undergoing sea trials on July 6, 2022. According to the plan, the LPD with hull number 1401 will be handed over to the Taiwan Navy in first quarter of 2023.

Overall, the Taiwan Navy will receive four LPD units labeled as Yu Shan Class. Built by the China Shipbuilding Corporation (CSBC), the Yu Shan Class will be fitted with a variety of weaponry like a frigate. 

The armament mix on the Yu Shan Class includes a 76 mm OTO melara cannon on the bow, then two 20 mm CIWS Phalanx cannons on the fore and aft deck. Even more frightening, this LPD is also equipped with 2×2 Hsiung Feng II/III anti-ship missiles and 16 TC-2N hanud missiles.

The Yu Shan Class is considered a modern LPD, this is evidenced by the design that adopts two closed poles which conceptually look similar to the Advanced Enclosed Mast/Sensor (AEM/S) embedded above the US Navy's San Antonio Class LPD. Yu Shan can go at a speed of 21 knots with a cruising range of 7,000 miles.

Taiwan's Office of the President

The Yu Shan LPD weighs 10,000 tons, has a length of 153 meters and a width of 23 meters. The ship's main task is to act as the main unit in the amphibious task force to carry out combat missions on recovery in the outer islands (off the coast) of Taiwan, then function as a hospital ship.

From the carrying capacity, 673 marines can be carried while sailing, plus several LVTP-7 amphibious ranpurs can also be carried and launched from the stern ramp. Equipped with two hangars, this LPD can carry two helicopters in the Sea/Black Hawk class. Secondary roles include disaster relief (ships can serve as temporary field hospitals) and international humanitarian assistance.

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