Chinese Type 075 Helicopter Carrier 'Installed' Ski-Jump, Realistic?

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Chinese Type 075 Helicopter Carrier 'Installed' Ski-Jump, Realistic?

Apart from the two aircraft carriers Liaoning and Shandong, (Fujian is not yet in operation), that is practically the focus of the Chinese Navy's current air combat power. Apart from that, in the second layer, the Chinese Navy also relies on two Landing Helicopter Dock (LHD) units or helicopter carriers, also known as the Type 075 amphibious assault ship, which in NATO code is called the Yushen class landing helicopter assault.

Well, not long ago there was an interesting post from the Twitter account @louischeung_hk, which showed the engineering of the LHD Type 075 design which was fitted with a ski-jump. The edited photo is quite interesting, because the LHD Type 075 at a glance looks like a conventional aircraft carrier that can launch fighter jets. Of course the question then, is it possible that the LHD Type 075 can be fitted with a ski-jump?

The website says it will not be equipped with ski-jumps. One of the reasons is that currently the Chinese Navy does not have a (light) fighter jet that has enough thrust to take off using a ski-jump technique. With a ship length of 237 meters, it means that there are only about 150 meters of runway left to take off, a distance that is a bit risky to try. Even if used by the Shenyang J-15 Flying Shark fighter jet, it needs extra power and minimum payload to be able to take off on a very short runway.

Even if the Shenyang J-15 successfully took off, the twin engine aircraft was unable to make a landing on the short and narrow LHD Type 075 deck. The newest steath fighter still in prototype, the Shenyang J-35, is similar in fate, unable to land conventionally on the LHD Type 075.

However, it is a different story if China has fighter jets that have Short Take-Off and Vertical Landing (STOVL) capabilities such as the F-35B Lightning II, Yakolev Yak-141 or Sea Harrier. All three jets can take off on a short runway equipped with ski-jumps, and land by means of a vertical landing.

The LHD Type 075 has a weight of 36,000 – 38,000 tons, with the ability to carry 30 medium-sized helicopters. The composition of the helicopter carried consists of a WZ-10 attack helicopter, medium transport helicopter, Z-18 and Z-20 anti-submarine helicopters. This amphibious assault ship is 237 meters long and 43 meters wide.

Chinese Type 075 Helicopter Carrier
Chinese Type 075 Helicopter Carrier

The 'convergence' design has actually been carried out by Japan, namely by modifying the JS Izumo helicopter carrier to be able to support F-35B flights. The readiness of the Izumo Class can be seen from the availability of a large hangar with elevators, and of course a spacious flight deck.

Further modifications were needed to strengthen the deck to support the additional weight, position various guide lights and adapt the ship to a more heat-resistant deck berth to support the vertical landing of the F-35B. 

Although a number of modifications have been determined, it has not been confirmed so far whether the Izumo Class will be fitted with ski jumps like the British, Chinese and Russian carriers.

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