At RIMPAC 2022, SeaGuardian MQ-9B Reconnaissance/Combat Drone Shows Off

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At RIMPAC 2022, SeaGuardian MQ-9B Reconnaissance/Combat Drone Shows Off

In addition to the first time involving an unmanned surface vehicle (USV), RIMPAC 2022 also for the first time involved the presence of the MQ-9B SeaGuardian marine specialist reconnaissance/combat drone. 

At RIMPAC 2022, SeaGuardian tested the capabilities of ELINT (Electronic intelligence), COMINT (Communications intelligence), AIS (Automatic Identification System), Detect and Avoid, ASW (Anti Submarine Warfare), Lynx Maritime Radar and Link 16 Capabilities.

Quoted from, on July 25, 2022, the MQ-9B SeaGuardian underwent 11 flights with a total time of more than 80 hours. SeaGuardian flies with all operational payloads. SeaGuardian's multi-domain capabilities make it possible for these drones to pass real-time sensor data directly to the Fleet via Link 16 and satellite feeds to coastal-based command and intelligence centers.

During RIMPAC, the MQ-9B SeaGuardian has effectively relayed intelligence information to various surface and air units. The MQ-9B SeaGuardian has a length of 11.7 meters and a wingspan of 24 meters. 

This drone can operate at an altitude of 12,000 meters and roam up to a distance of 9,260 km. The drone is powered by the Honeywell TPE331-10 Honeywell TPE331-10 turboprop engine with a power of 950 hp. The MQ-9B's maximum speed is 463 km per hour and the ability to fly continuously for 40 hours.

With a maximum take-off weight of 5,670 kg, the MQ-9B SeaGuardian can carry a total payload of up to 2,177 kg. Its composition consists of an internal payload of 363 kg which includes a multi-mode installation, maritime surface-search radar and high-definition/full-motion video optical and infrared sensors. This sensor suite enables real-time target detection and identification on surface vessels, both large and small, even in weather conditions, and can be monitored 360 degrees.

SeaGuardian MQ-9B Reconnaissance
SeaGuardian MQ-9B Reconnaissance

As a remote reconnaissance drone, the MQ-9B can be controlled Line of Sight (Los) with a C-band frequency, or controlled over the horizon via X-, Ku- or Ka-Band BLOS (Beyond Line of Sight) frequencies. 

The MQ-9B SeaGuardian can be armed, with an external payload available for mounting various types of weapons (missiles and smart bombs) weighing 1,814 kg. Overall this drone is equipped with 9 hardpoints (8 on the wing and 1 on the centerline).

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