Xaver 1000 – Wall-breaking 3D Radar, Ideal For Special Forces And Search and Rescue Teams

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Xaver 1000 – Wall-breaking 3D Radar, Ideal For Special Forces And Search and Rescue Teams

There is good news for the operational equipment line for elite troops, especially those engaged in anti-terror units, the article has launched a portable radar device that has the ability to 'see' through walls (walls). 

Labeled Xaver 1000, this is a radar that has specifications for a high performance imaging system that is claimed to have never existed before.

Created by Camero-Tech from Israel, the Xaver 1000 is ideal for use by military forces, law enforcement agencies, intelligence units, and SAR (Search and Rescue) units for the purpose of detecting the position of victims trapped inside buildings or debris.

The Xaver 1000 has a live target tracking algorithm based on artificial intelligence technology and has its 3D 'Sense-Through-The-Wall' capability, which allows it to detect and 'see' people or static objects behind walls and obstacles. 

Living objects can be viewed in high resolution down to certain parts of the body. This includes whether an object is sitting, standing or lying down, even after the object has been stationary for a long period of time.

Features on the Xaver 1000 allow the user to measure the height of an object and decide whether it is an adult, child or animal, resulting in clear operational advantages and the ability to make decisions more quickly in a tactical operation.

Wall-breaking 3D Radar
Wall-breaking 3D Radar

The Xaver 1000 can be operated by a single user and is ready to use at the push of a button. “Xaver 1000 determines the most suitable approach to ensure the success of life-saving missions in various operational scenarios, such as hostage rescue situations,” said Amir Beeri, CEO and founder of Camero.

"The Xaver 1000 could change the strategy of special forces and law enforcement teams conducting urban and rural operations that require reliable information about hidden living objects."

The Xaver 1000 is controlled from an embedded 10.1-inch touchscreen with a simple user interface for intuitive interpretation. 

The display also features easy menu navigation and integrated data recording and playback for analysis, training, and post-mission debriefing. Talking about the effects of radiation, Camero Tech said this device operates within reasonable thresholds that meet international human exposure standards.

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