The French Navy Inaugurates the Operation of the First Unit of the Suffren Class Nuclear Submarine

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The French Navy Inaugurates the Operation of the First Unit of the Suffren Class Nuclear Submarine

Located at the Brest Naval Base, the French Navy (Marine Nationale) on June 3, 2022 has inaugurated the full operation of the inaugural nuclear submarine (SSN) of the Barracuda Class or also known today as the Suffren Class, because the first ship of this class is the Suffren (S 635).

Built by the Naval Group, the French Navy will operate a total of six Suffren Class units, where the contract for the procurement of the latest generation nuclear submarine was signed in December 2006. In terms of the fleet structure, the Suffren Class is prepared as a replacement for the five Rubin Class nuclear submarines.

The Suffren began construction on 19 December 2007 and launched on 12 July 2019, the Suffren was then delivered to the French Navy in November 2020 and has since completed a pilot program before entering operational service.

The second ship of the Suffren Class, Duguay-Trouin, began construction in June 2009 and is completing final equipment ahead of launch later this year. 

Construction of the third and fourth vessels, Tourville and De Grasse, began in 2011 and 2014, and launches are scheduled for 2023 and 2024, respectively. The final pair, Rubis and Casabianca, were ordered in 2018 and 2019, respectively.

According to the Naval Group, the plan is to produce submarines roughly every two years, so that by 2026 it will deliver the first four units, with the last pair slated to enter service in 2030.

From the specifications, the Suffren Class weighs 4,700 tons on the surface and 5,100 tons on the dive. This nuclear submarine has a length of 99 meters and a width of 8.8 meters. The Suffren Class is predicted to be able to dive to a depth of 350 meters and can dive at a speed of 25 knots.

The technology of the Suffren Class runway adopts a hybrid propulsion – pressurized water reactor (150MW) two propulsion turbines, two turbo generators and two electric motors. Manned by 63 personnel and 15 officers, without any re-equipment this submarine can sail with an endurance of 70 days.

Speaking of weapons, the mix consists of SM39 Exocet anti-ship missiles, F21 heavy torpedoes, FG-29 sea mines and D-19 UUV (Unmanned Underwater Vehicle) underwater drones.

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