Surprise! Rheinmetall Showcases Ranpur Boxer In Chain Wheel Platform

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Surprise! Rheinmetall Showcases Ranpur Boxer In Chain Wheel Platform

Many interesting things are displayed at the Eurosatory 2022 military exhibition in Paris, France (13 – 17 June 2022). One of the things that caught our attention on the first day was the static display of the Rheinmetall armored fighting vehicle (ranpur), namely the Boxer. 

If so far the public has known the Boxer in an 8×8 tire wheel platform, then at Eurosatory 2022, Rheinmetall will show the Boxer in another form for the first time.

Dressed in brown striped paint, Rheinmetall showed the Boxer on a tracked platform. Although in appearance the body is the same as the tire wheel variant, the use of a chain wheel makes the Boxer like a main battle tank, moreover the cannon installed is 120 mm caliber, which is also equipped with a heavy machine gun with RCWS (remote control weapon station) above the turret.

From the information released by Rheinmetall, it is stated that the module used on the Chainwheel Boxer is exactly the same as the module on the Tire Wheel Boxer. In accordance with its main function, the Tracked Boxer is basically designed as a Fire Support Vehicle (IFV).

From the specifications, the Tracked Boxer has a maximum combat weight of 45 tons. Supported by the MTU 8V199 TE20 engine with an output of 880 kW, this large ranpur can go up to a speed of 70 km per hour. The tracked boxer has a ground clearance of 0.45 meters and can roam as far as 500 km.

The main weapon displayed by the Boxer tracked is a 120×570 mm smoothbore gun with automatic loader. Inside the dome can be loaded 15 munitions. The gun barrel has elevations ranging from -10 to over 20 degrees. 

Following the movement of the turret barrel, there is a 30×173 mm coaxial machine gun. This turret can be controlled with or without a crew. The RCWS module as already mentioned is a 12.7×99 mm heavy machine gun. Apart from that, on the dome there is also a Spike LR anti-tank missile.

Rheinmetall seems to have also thought about protection, the Tracked Boxer has been packaged with a smoke grenade launcher and a sophisticated Trophy Active Protection System (APS).

Speaking of crew, this Boxer tracked IFV is set up in a driver and commander configuration. However, the crew configuration depends on the mission module used, including the reload system and turret without or with a crew.

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