Surprise, Legendary Amphibious Tank PT-76 Joins In The War In Ukraine

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Surprise, Legendary Amphibious Tank PT-76 Joins In The War In Ukraine

There is interesting news from the war match Russia versus Ukraine, after the appearance of the "Si Mbah" S-60 air gun mounted on a trailer truck platform, now there is another 'veteran' weapon system that is reported to have appeared in the war that has lasted 100 days.

It was stated that Russia had deployed the legendary PT-76 light amphibious tank, whose prestige has become a historic icon for the Indonesian Navy's Marine Corps cavalry.

The news of the delivery of PT-76 to military operations in Ukraine, was first released by the Defense Express website (7/6/2022), which quoted a statement from military-political observer Alexander Kovalenko on his Facebook account. 

"The PT-76 was still in service with the Russian military until 2010, and after that several units were stored in depots, and in 2022, some of these tanks were brought back to life," Kovalenko said.

So far there have been no photos or recordings of PT-76 sightings in Ukraine, if the above news is true, it will be of great concern to the defense system observer community in Indonesia, because the PT-76 amphibious tank and the APC BTR-50 amphibious tank are still being maintained, even get an upgrade pack for the Marine Corps Cavalry Regiment.

PT-76 in the 1978 ABRI Anniversary defile. It can be seen that the cannon has not been retrofitted
As is the case in Indonesia, Russia's latest PT-76 variant is labeled "PT-76M". From several literacies, it is stated that the PT-76M is only stuck until the prototype is made. 

Even so, the PT-76M, which was developed by the Design Bureau of the Stalingrad Tractor Plant, is interesting to observe, especially when viewed from the design aspect that looks modern for its time.

The PT-76M was designed in 1959 for the needs of the Russian Marine Corps. In contrast to the standard PT-76, the PT-76M features a more convex body side, with the addition of a convex which aims to increase the float and swimming ability of the 15-ton tank.

Not only that, the location of the Russian PT-76M's differentiator is on the front hull, which if you pay attention to it has a slightly streamlined shape, similar to the shape of the front of the boat. In fact, the front of the PT-76M looks similar to the LAV-25 8x8 tank that the US Marines are known for.

The PT-76M also received an increase in capability, from which initially used a 240 hp engine, was upgraded to a 300 hp engine. The fuel tank capacity is also increased, so that it can carry 500 liters of diesel. Although not explained in detail, the Russian PT-76 is equipped with navigation devices and night vision devices.

Debarkation of PT-76 tank from KRI Teluk Sampit 515
Debarkation of PT-76 tank from KRI Teluk Sampit 515

The PT-76M has not changed compared to the standard PT-76 variant. The standard PT-76 variant is armed with 2 types of weapons, namely a 76.2 mm caliber D-56TM low-speed cannon and a 7.62 mm SG-43 coaxial machine gun. 

For comparison, the PT-76M owned by the Marine Corps now carries a 90 mm caliber Cockerill Mk.III A-2 made in Belgium. This cannon has a barrel length of 3,248 m with a total of 60 grooves and docks and is equipped with 36 rounds of various types of bullets in one go.

Unfortunately, the Russian PT-76M, codenamed Object 907, did not live long. Reportedly the PT-76M failed in testing and its development was stopped, because it was considered not to have a significant advantage when compared to the standard PT-76 variant.

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