South Korea Plans to Launch Space Rocket Next Week

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South Korea Plans to Launch Space Rocket Next Week

South Korea plans to launch a space rocket next week. The new schedule was created after a technical fault in the oxidizer tank sensor was detected.

The Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) canceled the scheduled launch of the Nuri, also known as KSLV-II, which was supposed to take place this week. 

This was done because sensors were spotted malfunctioning during a final pre-launch check on the launch pad at the Naro Space Center in Goheung, a southern coastal village about 470 kilometers south of Seoul, on Wednesday (15/6).

"We plan to convene a launch management committee to pursue a second (Nuri) launch on June 21," said Kwon Hyun-joon, an official at South Korea's Ministry of Science.

The ministry has set the launch period from June 21 to June 23.

According to Kwon, KARI technicians have identified the problematic part in the sensor system and replaced it.

"We replaced the part in question and made sure that (the sensor) was functioning properly," he said, adding that all three stages of the rocket were confirmed to have no problems.

Nuri is scheduled to be moved back to the launch pad on Monday (20/6), or the day before launch. And the space rocket will continue to be inspected until its planned launch on Tuesday (21/6).

Kwon, however, said plans could change depending on weather conditions. The planned launch will be the Nuri's second launch, following its maiden voyage last October.

In its first launch, Nuri managed to fly to a target altitude of 700 kilometers but failed to put the dummy satellite into orbit, as its third stage engine caught fire earlier than expected. KARI engineers strengthened the helium tank holding device in the Nuri third stage oxidizer tank.

South Korea has invested nearly 2 trillion won equivalent to US$ 1.8 billion to build Nuri since 2010. The project is carried out using domestically made technology from design, production, testing, and launch operations.

South Korea plans to carry out four additional Nuri rocket launches by 2027 as part of efforts to further advance the country's space rocket program.

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