So a Scourge in the Aviation World, the Pentagon is Now Carrying Commercial 5G Technology As a Future Tactical Network Solution

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So a Scourge in the Aviation World, the Pentagon is Now Carrying Commercial 5G Technology As a Future Tactical Network Solution

In the United States, the adoption of 5G cellular technology is like simalakama, on the one hand this latest generation of mobile broadband offers high-speed internet data access transmission, which will be very useful in the era of the Internet of Things (IoT). 

But on the other hand, 5G has become like a 'patient' in the aviation area, especially after the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) recognized the dangers of 5G networks to flight safety, where 5G networks are considered to interfere with aircraft altimeter radar performance.

In 2020, the Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics (RTCA), the private-public aviation partner advising the FAA, warned that 5G technology could pose a significant risk or harmful interference to civilian aircraft altimeter radars.

One reason is that the 3.7-3.98 GHz frequency spectrum that will be used by cellular operators is usually used by civil aircraft. So if 5G telecommunications systems are allowed to use that frequency band, the risk will be enormous and have an impact on flight operations in the US.

And regarding the fate of 5G technology in Uncle Sam's country, recently the United States Department of Defense (Pentagon) is exploring potential technologies that will allow the US Armed Forces to develop advanced tactical networks integrated with commercial 5G communications networks. Although technologically adopting commercial 5G, there are special conditions requested by the Pentagon, namely that nodes or BTS (Base Transceiver Station) will use air-based data relays.

Quoted from (3/6/2022), the solution the Pentagon wants has been announced in the Beyond 5G Integrated Tactical Communication Networks program, which will focus on increasing device-to-device (D2D) or sidelink capabilities inherent in commercial 5G applications. and military. 

To this end, the Pentagon on May 25, 2022 issued a request for solution (RFS) for several new architectural options and system design opportunities for future tactical network systems.

An important capability the Pentagon is seeking is the development of end-user network access to terrestrial and air communications infrastructure via direct commercial 5G-enabled devices, capable of receiving and transmitting internetwork data via 5G and non-5G radio interfaces across domains.

Tactical Network Solution

On the development of airborne elements, Pentagon officials want to explore two capability variants in the Beyond 5G Integrated Tactical Communication Networks program. The first variant is an air tier based 5G node/BTS which acts as a signal relay between land-based end-user devices.

Then the second variant will explore how these air assets can be integrated as part of the gNodeB (gNB) mobile system – air-based BTS. The gNB platform is essentially a radio base station on a 5G-based radio communications network operating outside the NR (new radio) interface.

In the commercial sector, these BTS or 5G NR nodes are commonly known as cellular towers that connect mobile phones and other devices to 3G, 4G, and 5G networks.

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