PT DI Officially Hands Over Two AS565 MBe Panther AKS Units and One CN-235-220 MPA Full Mission Unit

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PT DI Officially Hands Over Two AS565 MBe Panther AKS Units and One CN-235-220 MPA Full Mission Unit

After a long wait, two AS565 MBe Panther Full Mission anti-submarine helicopters (AKS) ordered by the Ministry of Defense for the needs of the Naval Aviation Center (Puspenerbal) today, 15 June 2022, were officially handed over by PT Dirgantara Indonesia (DI) during a ceremony at the Hangar Aircraft Services PT DI, Bandung, witnessed by the Indonesian Minister of Defense, Prabowo Subianto and the Chief of Staff of the Indonesian Navy, Admiral TNI Yudo Margono.

In addition to the two AKS AS565 MBe Panther helicopters, PT DI also handed over a CN-235-220 Maritime Patrol Aircraft (MPA) Full Mission reconnaissance aircraft which will be operated by the 800 Puspenerbal Squadron to support the implementation of basic tasks and support operational needs.

AS565 MBe Panther AKS is a naval version helicopter as a result of industrial cooperation between PT DI and Airbus Helicopters, which was then continued with the development and integration of AKS by PT DI. In a press release received by, PT DI installed the latest variant of torpedo and sonar that was tailored to the needs of the Indonesian Navy.

AS565 MBe Panther Full Mission AKS is able to detect the presence of submarines equipped with Dipping Sonar L3 Ocean System DS-100 Helicopter Long-Range Active Sonar (HELRAS), which can operate optimally in shallow and deep sea areas. This AKS helicopter is ideally designed to perform redetection, localize targets and launch torpedo attacks in the waters.

"This AKS helicopter has undergone a series of test activities, including Flight Performance Test, Flying Qualities, Affected System Test, Torpedo Initial Test and Sonar Initial Test to ensure that all installed systems do not significantly change the helicopter's flying characteristics and ensure that all operations can be carried out safely. It is safe, where the number of flights that have been used in the series of tests is 110 Flight Hours,” added Gita Amperiawan, President Director of PT DI.

This AS565 MBe Panther helicopter is prepared to equip the Puspenerbal Alutsista as an AKS helicopter under the command of the 1st Air Wing 400 Squadron. Equipped with a Turbomeca Arriel 2C Turboshaft twin engine, this AKS helicopter is capable of flying at a maximum speed of 306 km/hour or 165 knots, with an altitude reach of up to 5,865 meters or 19,242 feet.

Meanwhile, regarding the CN-235-220 MPA Full Mission, the aircraft with the tail number AX-2349 is the 6th aircraft sent by PT DI to the Indonesian Navy since 2013 which specifically functions as a maritime patrol aircraft, equipped with a Mission System integrated into the Navy. 

In the Mission Management System (MMS) from Nexeya and several mission support devices such as the High Performance Search Radar with detection capabilities as far as 200 Nautical Miles (NM) which can conduct surveillance over the sea surface area continuously 360 degrees in all directions.

With the addition of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar (ISAR) capabilities, the installed Search Radar can provide the ability not only to detect the presence of the target, but also to provide an image display of the target as far as 60 nautical miles, long before any visual contact...

Configure the HELRAS dipping sonar installation on the AS565 MBe Panther.
MBConfigure the HELRAS dipping sonar 
installation on the AS565 e Panther.

The aircraft, which is powered by a General Electric CT7-9C engine, is also equipped with an Automatic Identification System (AIS) as an automatic tracking system to identify ships and Forward Looking Infra-Red (FLIR) to detect/classify targets, as well as being able to record the situation around the flying area. for mission evaluation, in both day and night conditions.

"In addition to the ability to carry out maritime patrol operations, this aircraft is also the first PTDI aircraft that has been modified and upgraded to all of its avionic systems by using the latest full glass cockpit technology and integrated digital displays, where for the composition of TKDN- itself has reached 42.56 percent," explained Gita Amperiawan, President Director of PT DI.

"With all the modifications and development of the mission system, PT DI has absorbed 122,000 man hours in the Engineering area, of which 30.1 percent of them are millennial engineers, the pride of PT DI. Meanwhile, the number of man hours absorbed in the Production area is 393,000 man hours, with the contribution of millennials reaching 40 percent," He Added..

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